Seven thought in seven minds_ an evening with Lior Suchard

Seven thought in seven minds_ an evening with Lior Suchard


Minds can focus or waver, they can scream or scheme, they sometimes force the body to be on the defensive or be ready to attack… and do everything that makes them an enigma.

The evening was spent watching Lior Suchard astonish the audience at the Kingdom of Dreams in Gurgaon. ‘Just astonish?’ I asked Specky later. She said, ‘More than that. I’m sure Lior lured a lot of them to know more about the way their mind works… and fear it less.’

Well, a few of us from the blogging world met Lior after his show and this picture tells me so much about the way the mind works! Lior did show us that he could actually read minds and ferret out the thought that is in there. This post is just to talk about this picture that has captured seven minds with seven different thoughts! Ample proof to tell us all that we’re all here to walk on different paths and that there is no need and no place for any sort of conflict.

My post on the Lior Show will be up tomorrow…


Arvind Passey
22 August 2013