Posts tagged "spoof"
Blobs on my Blog 010 – The dream snatchers

Blobs on my Blog 010 – The dream snatchers

  ‘I want to make your dreams mine,’ sounds so like the witch in a fairy tale saying, ‘Gimme more! Gimme more!’ or some fearsome Count from a Scandinavian country doing some glib selling with punch lines like, ‘Let our blood flow as one!’ Obviously, for the Count thriving on sucking blood, the sentence is...

Ravana on Facebook, Twitter, and Linkedin

Metaphorically, there are already a large number of Ravanas on all the social networking sites today. However, I was wondering what will happen if The Ravana of the Dushera fame (for the younger generation who understand only through such puerile linkages) decided to open himself up to the hoi-polloi of the world through Facebook, Twitter,...