When I asked a philosopher
‘What do I do with my Ravan?’ – the philosopher
Spoke familiar words
Dripping with familiar ideas
Reaching familiar ends
He told me to abandon the evil
Within and around
He also told me to celebrate
That day as the world celebrates Dushera.
Then I asked a politician
‘What do I do with my Ravan?’ and the politician
Folded his hands to do a namaste
Gave me a beatific smile
Looked up dreamily and asked me to
Vote for him
In the next elections too
Stay away from burning effigies
And happily watch Ravan burn on Dushera.
I looked at the paper-doll Ravan I was holding
Found the colours fascinating
And the ten heads simply too charming to
Burn and forget
So I pretended I was killing him
And then hid him out of sight
Hoping all the evil within and around
Would no longer trouble me –
I hope I take my Ravan out only once a year!
Arvind Passey
06 October 2011
A few shots of a symbolic killing of Ravan…
- Power that becomes destructive needs to be identified and held captive

Aim with perfection and let evil times pass away noiselessly! (This does sound more environment friendly, doesn’t it?)
- Evil can sometimes pretend to be tasty… eat it, gobble it… and let the acids battle with it!
- Remember… evil is strength that doesn’t know where it is headed to…
- Power goes to the head… and then it is time to bring it down…
- Ravan can be anywhere… you will need to search for it with the eyes of your consciousness!
- If left untethered, Ravan can slowly overwhelm your inner and outer being…
Sangita Passey says:
Oct 7, 2011
Very interesting poem and the story board is equally good!
Shruthi says:
Oct 20, 2011
Very interesting… Loved the last line of the poem!
khimi thapa says:
Jun 25, 2012
loved it …. Raavan is my personal favourite hero not for the man he was but for the concept that he us
Sundeep says:
Oct 3, 2014
Time to burn Ravan from your hand sets.
Arvind Passey says:
Oct 5, 2014
Yes, I do agree with on on this, Sundeep. Do read other posts as well. 🙂