Men in pursuit

No we’re not debating if it is men who love pursuing women or is it the other way round. Think what pleases you because I believe both forever want the best as their friend and partner. But here is a conversation between two men. One is a pogonophiliac or a lover of beards sporting a stubble and the other is a clean-shaven guy. Let’s hear them out. The pogonophiliac (P): ‘Research says that women find guys with a stubble quite mature.’ The clean-shaven guy(C): ‘You’re right… women find men with heavy stubbles quite mature which is women saying, ‘Man, you’re old!’ (P): ‘Really?’  (C): ‘In fact, research says that women consider men with facial hair to be universally less sexually attractive than those without. (P): ‘And why is that?’ (C): ‘Probably because you appear to hide the truth… which makes you unclean.’ (P): ‘Aha! So this is why my girl-friend left me thinking I was unclean and smelly. Though she never said something as direct as – I hate that unclean stubble! (C): ‘It’s true. Beards mean more testosterone and increased violence. Women are obviously not pleased about such tendencies.’ (P): ‘I’ve always loved my beard because it protects me … Continue reading Men in pursuit