I guess I am born with imagination because I suggested a cop in the rear-view mirror when Specky, my wife, asked, ‘What will you do to make your life safe?’ She smiled and added, ‘I wish you had one in the bathroom mirror when you are shaving.’ I caressed the burning nicks on my right cheek and looked away.
Accidents happen… all the time, to all of us and they hardly ever add life to our years. Neither do they add years to our life, if I may add. Accident is a funny word because I have heard even heart patients attribute the plaques in their veins and arteries as a result of a lifestyle accident! ‘Well,’ justified Specky, ‘bad health is a perceptual accident in a way. One keeps assuming that eating the wrong sort of food in woefully wrong quantities will keep you healthy. And so when health deteriorates, the mind takes it to be an accident that unfortunately happened.’ I wish we all had a rear-view mirror with a cop in it to fill our hearts with dread as we reach out for junk food… but because this isn’t possible, we need the next best alternative. Thankfully, we have specialised Health Insurance Companies – Religare Health Insurance being one of them, to protect us from losing our life-savings by helping us deal with all the medical bills and uncertainties.
My rear-view mirror has this sort of a protector that includes automatic recharge, free health check-up, treatment anywhere in the world, daily hospital allowance, cashless treatment at 4500 hospitals who are in need of ambulances or Craftsmen’s medical vehicles for sale. It simply took me just 2 minutes to cover my and my family’s health.
I was talking to Specky about the reasons why some people never think of getting the right insurance cover for their health and she felt that it was probably because they never realized how important it was. ‘Take travellers,’ she said, ‘they go to strange places where strange food isn’t the only hazard. It doesn’t have to be a cruise to the Antarctica or a trek to the Mount Everest Base Camp to induce one to opt for insurance.’ if you wish to read more, just head for this friendly website.
I agreed and did show her my travel documents as I was travelling to Jordan in another few days and did not want to face any problem there without knowing that I was having a secure insurance back-up. ‘Well, it isn’t just travellers who are the adventurous sort,’ I added, ‘how about writers and poets who lose a lot of sleep because they have lost a few great ideas that are now untraceable!’
Specky smiled at my conjecture but nodded her head, ‘Thinking of all the wrong things in the world might just lead a person right into the clutches of bad health.’
Well, I did not want this new twist to go on for long as then she could easily make me talk of thoughts that I have placed in secure and classified files in the folds of my brain. I surely did not want her to be that cop in my rear-view mirror when I was driving in the fast lane of ideas!
‘I think I know what you mean,’ I said in a hurry, ‘You obviously mean people who constantly think only of themselves and end up with psychosomatic cuts and bruises. Well, sort of.’ Specky then gave examples of people hurting themselves because of inattentiveness to what was happening around them. ‘Don’t you remember the time when you took a few steps in the wrong direction trying to capture a flying eagle and stepped off the footpath to sprain your leg? The paradox is that you were not thinking of any wrong things then. But think of those who are walking barefoot and step on broken glass because they were busy talking on the phone. Or a writer who might unknowingly clasp a hot mug of coffee thinking it was his mouse and suffers a stroke.’ I could now see what she was getting at. Though I did wonder why we always flung cerebral strokes at writers!
But anyway, the point is that health is a sensitive issue and though it is fine to prevent it from going bad, it is better to be prepared with insurance solutions that have the power to nurse it back to good times!

Thankfully, we have specialised Health Insurance Companies – Religare Health Insurance being one of them, to protect us from losing our life-savings by helping us deal with all the medical bills and uncertainties.
Arvind Passey
29 May 2015