These web-pages are about a family, their aspirations and inspirations, small and not-so-small victories, the depth of their dives into their interest… in short, their world!
You’ll know Arvind, Sangita, and Pushkin better through these pages. There will be others too with their own dedicated pages…
We are there on other platforms too on the net, as it exists today. For instance, we can meet through Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, various blogs and other networking sites.
Email: passey at vsnl dot com
Arvind Passey
Facebook | Orkut | MySpace | Twitter | Sulekha | Blogger | Linkedin | Netlog | Ecademy |
arvindpassey at gmail dot com
Sangita Passey
Facebook | Orkut | Twitter | Linkedin | Blogger | Indipepal | Netlog
sangitapassey at gmail dot com
Pushkin Passey
pushkinpassey at gmail dot com