Leftovers turn everyday moments into masterpieces
We know what ‘leftovers time’ means. No, not ‘leftover time.’ Not even ‘left overtime’ nor ‘left over time.’ The one that I am going to talk about is where left and over come together and the ‘s’ determines the direction that life takes. ‘Obviously, nothing to do with left wing or right wing in politics,’...

Crafting narratives from moments in life
Do writers really need prompts? Why can’t they just look around and find something to write about? Something that tickles their imagination or causes their heart to flutter or something that flings a scintilla on yet unformed ideas and makes them burst into an uncontrollable conflagration. I remember walking from the mess hall to my...

Not every virus goes around like a gangster
Books keep a close watch on everything around them. That is how they learn impossible tricks. No, this isn’t a joke. Books, I believe, have an innate AI working for them and they know intuitively where to reach and when. And if you’re open to new fantastical ideas, books even encourage a reader to go...

Parallel platters that no one serves
It is easy to fall in love with the notion of parallel universes and I am no exception. This love story began way before I had read ‘Dark Matter’ by Blake Crouch and thus my imagined multiverses never had much to with regrets. They were full of titillating stuff as vacuous as imagination can ever...