What are they talking about? Age, alcohol, and addiction
Age, alcohol, and addiction in a conversation these past few days has had a surprising entry: Rats. Yes, rats have been accused by SHO Inderpal Singh of Kotwali Dehat police station in UP as non-paying guzzlers of 1450 cartons of illicit liquor seized by them. When I searched the internet for similar cases, I was...

What are they talking about? Theme reveal for #BlogchatterA2Z for 2021
If one goes by what happens on the social media these days one walks away with the impression that everyone is ready to talk. Without wanting to hear anyone else out, of course. It is so much of yada-yada all over that no one is quite sure if it is informed views that one is...

Woman – a thunderstorm with a touch of lightening
Women in India have a voice that is heard all over the world. Not that their silence went unheard because it was that deathly quiet that has probably given birth to movements like ‘beti bachhao, beti padhao’ and slogans like ‘Equal rights are not special rights‘, ‘Woman is the companion of man’, ‘Gifted with equal...

The story of NEP 2020 is ready to change mindsets
National education Policy 2020 is now a story where the plot has already been decided, the theme is clear, and even the pace at which incidents will happen and weave a form has been given a format. The NEP2020 isn’t any more in the ideation stage but will soon have words and sentences falling in...

Water isn’t just about water
Water is scarce because we are careless, casual, and callous with the way we treat everything related to water. Let me give you three examples. With every road layering or repairing exercise, the level goes up a few millimeters and after some years the little drain holes that had been carefully constructed on the sides...

Save water before it is too late
The switch box of humans, it appears, has been severely tampered with and as a result no one seems to understand things when put in a simple straight-forward language. Try calling terrorism bad and chances are you might end up being trolled for being an Islamophobe. Comment on why banning Chinese apps is a part...

Ram Bahadur and Oli
The soul of Ravan chuckled and didn’t quite LoL-ed or ROFL-ed because he wasn’t updated about the new internet lingo going around in the human world. He turned to Ram and guffawed, ‘Never seen you with a khukri, sir… ever!’ ‘What?’ replied Ram, ‘I didn’t quite get you. I mean, I know you are quite...

Villainy is dead
Headings matter and I do not want the title of this piece to be ‘Vikas is dead’ because then the ruling party spokespersons and their economists are going to be really perplexed. But then headings, like the names of gangsters, always make an impact… and even Bollywood has convinced me that it is looks and...

Fair, white, and light
We know now that the word ‘fair’ has been eased out of brand promotion for a certain product and that Sunny Jain, president of Unilever Beauty Division has even gone on record to announce that the company recognizes ‘that the use of the words fair, white, and light suggest a singular ideal of beauty that...

Will a post-covid India be any different?
Covid-19 Pandemic Will a post-covid India be any different? From learning to earning, from survival to career, from passion in relationships to passion in professions, from choices one wants to choices that exist, from what was to what is… this pandemic has the power to roll over and transform entire lifestyle landscapes, conceptual environment, and...

Rankings point to the right direction
An article published in ‘World Population Review’ says that ‘education is considered to be a human right and plays a key role in human, social, and economic development. Education promotes gender equality, promotes peace, and increases a person’s chances of having more opportunities in life.’ We are well aware that education needs to be imparted...