The chicken raga
The chicken raga Make me the PM now Make me the PM please Say my song is a wow! Say I don’t have chicken disease… . I hate assault and so I hug When I’m pleased I wink Even my words fly like a bug Whenever I try and think.

Talking of ‘touch’ a bit differently
Follow my blog with Bloglovin Spark. Touch. Passion. Chemistry. In 2014, sitting in my Study, my mind easily links such words to a smartphone. And then a person like me gets into the complex matrix of terms that include amoled screen, processor, quad pro, octa pro, app density, and user interface to murmur later, ‘Life...

No Limit to Adventure
Yes, there must never be any limits set to the spirit of adventure… this is one facet of life that keeps it bubbly forever. Go out and zoom into the midst of life Cut out the insipid with an adventure knife! Adventurous spirit is what I am talking about… the spirit that pushes one out...

On winning and whining
Of late I’ve observed a strange cycle of truth… the whiners have started winning. Look at our politicians and you’ll know what I mean. Look at the bureaucrats and their transfer requests and you’ll know what I mean. Look at the way the auto-wala whines away to make him win a few extra rupees in...
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