The creative writer and kayaking
I’m not new to kayaking. The first time I stepped into a kayak was on the River Denva in Madhya Pradesh in tiger territory. This was two years back and I was participating in the NDTV-Volvo Adventure Challenge then and our task was to kayak to a location about a couple of hours distance to...

Treads of Adventure
Adventure isn’t always on a dark cold night deep inside a dense forest… it can be there in the city on a bright sunny day as well. Adventure doesn’t need you to have six packs and be a regular in a gym… it can happen even to a 5’4” short guy who hasn’t kept up...

The mathematics of travel
Travel is all about happiness… and happiness is all about togetherness. To be travelling alone doesn’t deprive you of the experiences and impressions of the place where you are, but you always feel there was something missing in all these smiles that you gave while being clicked, or something incomplete in the way you described...

In Coimbatore with Narain Karthikeyan. A great drive – entry for Michelin Pilot Experience by Arvind Passey
A Great Drive – entry for Michelin Pilot Experience by Arvind Passey We were waiting for Narain to come. Narain Karthikeyan, the legendary Formula 1 driver from India. I had flown in from a cold Delhi to a warm Coimbatore in December and loved the tepid sun though I felt better in the shade...

Searching for roads in the sand dunes
Searching for roads in the sand dunes A great drive – entry for Michelin Pilot Experience by Arvind Passey ‘The great escape,’ I heard someone say, ‘is like searching for roads in the sand dunes.’ I thought for a while, turned to him, and asked, ‘Roads in the dunes?’ he was one of the rally...

Unexpectedness is an adventure
You know why I enjoy every moment of my life… because I convert even the ‘expected’ into an unexpected adventure. But then, you already know everything and this quote too was expected! 🙂 See… thats the point. Arvind Passey 03 December 2010