Good things must happen without a break
Since school I have been told umpteen times that time is gold or platinum or titanium or… well, something precious and never to be wasted. But the past few years have seen me literally wasting precious minutes finding the right app on my smartphone. ‘Hey! Aren’t smartphones supposed to be smart and faster?’ Yes, they...

A revolution in your pocket
There have always been a few who have favoured the written word over a photograph and there have existed masses who have discovered a thousand words in every picture. The eye stumbles upon Nietzsche in a photograph… the mind hikes with Mark Twain as it scans a picture… and the smile that one click evokes...

The world of smarter tabs
Being smarter has everything to do with giving the customer what he wants… is the marketing mantra that doesn’t need an endorsement from Kotler. And being smarter is all about anticipating consumer needs or being proactive in a world that has competitiveness built into it. So we have smarter authors who write what the reader...

The year isn’t 3333 or some such incredible zoom into the future. The future that I see clearly in my mind isn’t even ten years later. And yet I cannot possibly pinpoint the exact day or month or year. All I can say is that the real future is near, quite near. The future where...

Hooked to technology
We’re all hooked to technology and even the biology of moments must have bits and bytes for survival of its ecology. We’re all hooked to technology! Technology isn’t just a habit. It’s a mind-set that, like a rabbit, hops along with you so much that with you it will cohabit! We’re all hooked to technology!...

My nerdy world
The first time I realised that I loved technology was when our nursery teacher drew a square shape on the board and said, ‘Draw this.’ The class struggled with their four straight lines and were intent on creating the funniest possible squares in their drawing books. I thought for a while, then pulled out my...

Yes, we all love to be incredible
She wailed, ‘Technology is getting more and more insane. I feel I am being left behind.’ She repeated this sentence again and again but not one busy lunch-time office goer even paused to ask, ‘Is anything the matter? How can I help you?’ But just when this insanity of human apathy was climbing yet another...