Take a sip of the best
To study abroad isn’t just a dream anymore because statistics show that more and more Indian students are flying abroad to study in universities in other countries. They all wish to take a sip of the best, so to say. The WENR (World Education News and Reviews) says that USA, UK, Australia, and New Zealand...

On Cloud 9 and under an umbrella in Mumbai
On Cloud 9 and under an umbrella in Mumbai Mumbai in August can be charmingly unpredictable and yet smiles at you in a myriad ways. From couples huddling under an umbrella to a bhel-puri seller ready to prepare a helping for you from under his weather-beaten umbrella… from beach photographers protecting their DSLRs to your...

A legend charges into the mind…
One fact that I have always believed in is that legends never die. This could be because they are invariably a step ahead of even truth… and truth, as we have seen often, kowtows and merges into a stronger truth. A legend, a friend said once, is like a sip of 100 Pipers rushing through...

Freedom to decide
Amitabh did not care about what people would say and decided to follow his dream to enter the world of films. I remember this story that senior manager in a company told me when the interview hopped from the tenets of sales and marketing to my wanting to write a novel. He told me that...

Sydney – Fireworks in Education
I know there is no direct link between fireworks and education unless you’re talking about students who have learnt the art of thinking well beyond conventional thought to create inroads that help us all evolve. This is actually true of tens of institutes and colleges that are there in Sydney, Australia and the campus life...

Love and common decency go together
There is no doubt that our world that anyway has a fair share of violence, divisiveness, and hatred needs and deserves to be #fuelledbylove and mutual respect. But wait, it isn’t easy to define love… I am sure it has nothing to do with the public display of cuddling and kissing that you see under...

The poetry and management of being schooled well
Will you be surprised if I say that poetry and management share a lot of common features? Well, they do and despite what the detractors may think or say, there is a lot of poetry in management just as there is a lot of management acumen in every stanza that was ever written. I have...

Homework for adults
Ah! I know there is no escape from housework. Wait. You have not read the title correctly. It mentions homework and not housework… the latter gets you a pat from the boss at home but the former is vital for the dreams on which generations are nurtured. What? How can homework be so important? Let...

Technology is not pointless
Technology is not just a tool but much more than that… there is fun, learning, evolving, interacting, connecting, sharing, and so much happiness in being able to do what you were earlier not able to. Arthur C. Clarke wrote: ‘Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.’ I tend to agree with him because with...

Half Ticket
I am not talking about my days when my parents bought a ‘half ticket’ for me during rail or bus journeys… but of times when we called one friend of ours ‘half ticket’ because he could never understand that the girls in our class would never want to be in our gulli-danda team. Well, not...

Selfie – Selfi – Selfidence – Selfido
Evolution isn’t only for the living… ideas also evolve and not just restructure themselves but emerge in forms that no one could possibly have imagined. Take the humble selfie. It has ‘I, me, and my’ stuffed into it and must have begun in pre-historic times with some aggressive ego-maniacal stone-wielding bully telling another meek-looking cave-artist,...

This WASH is quite different from the wash in your mind
To think of ‘wash down’, ‘wash out’, and ‘wash up’ can be rather energising for the brain and lead to interesting interpretations but the WASH that I have in mind expands to Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene. This is the definition I am thinking of because these are the three aces that the world needs. There...