Of flavours and bouquets
It was one of those evenings when the mind is eager to get layered in bouquets of flavours. The mind is open and receptive and is ready to accept a new facet, a new truth, a new way, a new snippet or nugget of information. It is generally observed that at such moments, some information-laden...

Art-forms for a brew
It is a speech that I am going to quote here in this post… a whisky speech… and then I am going to try to write the same speech as if it were a poem. I’m sure all those who love their malt are going to be nodding in appreciation. Noah “Soggy” Sweat made his...

Tones, textures, and an evening with a 12 YO
Words, aromas, and flavours have the power to evoke a sense of oneness if they are the right ones coming together. Almost like the time I sat with my wife on the terrace and poured from a bottle of Black Dog 18 YO. ‘Deep, golden, glossy, and mahogany,’ I said softly. My wife looked on...

Seductive Aromas
It was one of those evenings when the intense amber gold of the setting sun decides not to hide behind the darkness of the night until it has seduced you completely. The intense amber gold and the shimmering highlights enter your mind and pervade all the senses… almost the way Black Dog does. We were...

App tasting for a Black Dog fan
We were five friends coming together after a fairly long time and as we sat on the terrace taking up one past memory after another, we realised that each of us was peering into their smartphone after every few minutes. So I said, ‘Come on guys, let’s keep our official business away for this evening...

Cola de Gallo started it all
There are words… then there are words with a story… and finally there are words with a lot of stories trailing them. Cocktail is one word that has no limit to the stories that can be connected to it. Who wouldn’t want to be a part the history of a word that most of humanity...

Usquebaugh! I first read this word emblazoned on a tee-shirt and I thought, ‘Here is another one who is wearing something he probably doesn’t know the meaning of!’ I didn’t just go on thinking, I went up to this man and asked, ‘Sir, this seems to be an interesting word. What does it mean?’ He...

Blending truth, senses, and poetry
An approximately 130 years old brand, calling itself the perfect scotch is what Black Dog is all about. Yes, someone did once describe this scotch as sunlight held together by water… though I’m sure Sir Walter Millard, a Scot, might not have agreed to the technicalities of the phrase but would surely have loved the...

It’s my life, my taste
Taste. It exists in words, deeds, and non-verbal interactions. You have the right to remain tasteless, of course. Like so many of us. I’m sure you’ve noticed tasteless gestures, heard tasteless remarks, and have been tortured by tasteless relationships… they’re there everywhere. Therefore, taste has many forms. We’re literally surrounded by them and the way...

A case of exploding sizes
As the sun went down, darkness descended. It was a cloudy night with the moon peeping out once every few seconds. We were sitting on the balcony of a rest-house in a small mountain hamlet. Down below we could hear a river making its way through jutting rocks and another dark peak rose menacingly just...

Travel into time
We were in Connaught Place in the heart of the Capital and had met after years. Talking to him was more like going back in time… the school tales, the after-school jaunts into long conversations that ended up in dreamy resolves, and all the funny and not-so-funny times… they were all coming out one by...

More Black Dog stories
Well, Specky and I keep playing games where intrigue becomes an integral part of the entire process. We had started a game where we began searching for the various avataars for the term ‘Black Dog’ and were able to find quite a lot in the previous post. These games are as vital as the characteristics...