Economics of life is all about saving and not saving
Yes, we are intrinsically and genetically embedded into both the art of saving as well as not saving. Saving and not saving are both virtues. We gave away smiles and shared goodwill… and saved some money every month and whether it was deposited in the bank, PPF, or FDs bought, this saving also resulted in...

You can close your eyes to the reality but not to memories
Travel brings out the best in us And we know each other without a fuss The scenes and the sounds come back Giving life a lovable track And at some future date we always do Go back in time to live life through Those times when we explored together In hospitable and inhospitable weather The...

There is a child in me
There is a child in me. Yes, this is true… even literally, because after all it is the sperm and an ova that finally come together to create a new life. This is what I told Specky when I asked her what she thought she would want to gift a child. ‘A child?’ she asked,...