Conversations with the loveliest kid on earth
Conversations worth remembering are not always with nutty professors and snooty CEOs of companies or with shifty politicians and creepy administrators. I’ve had conversations with cities and loved it so much that I started having conversations with every unlikely subject. This included pillows, torn bills in the bin, and paragraphs on moth-eaten pages of a...

When bcdfcddfgbea transforms life
You ask me now to challenge rhyme This is done by those who’re brave Who know that sanity is words And thoughts and how to make them one Without sending any to grave! Thoughts and words fly just like the birds, Unruly like unruly herds But always such heart-warming fun! Arvind Passey 14 June...

Ideas that work
It is often said that where MBAs are known to strut around with strategies that fail, an ordinary man on the street is replete with ideas that are workable… and often work. So it is with the mighty writers and food specialists telling us of what can be subtle and what is too raucous for...

Plucking a few ideas out of my imagination
‘Phew! What a day it was,’ said Specky as she entered the house, ‘what is this world coming to? Jam. Jams. Jams. Everywhere.’ Obviously I wasn’t paying the sort of attention I should’ve been paying as I asked her, ‘jam? You want to have toast and jam at six in the evening? Not a good...

The 6-secrets of wealth creation!
Creation is a convergence of the concepts of art, science, and discipline. It may be a few lines that will be read, remembered, quoted, and appreciated. It could be lines that make an advertisement or a graphic that transcends the normal and the mundane. All this is ‘wealth’ that will ultimately make us humans richer...