You’re obviously intrigued by the title. I’ll let you know the secret of the title but only later on in this article. What matters more is to know how to walk in the world of image mysteries or walk out of a world of image drudgery. ‘How to walk in or walk out?’ asked Specky,...

Do not give me spots, dear sun
On the beach I need to go And walk around in the sun In the evening I must glow And, as ever, be the one Who wins and not the one who won So, do not give me spots, dear sun! See who dangles on my arms See who kisses all my words See who...

Kyra, the sunshine girl!
Met Kyra… yes, I did meet her on a rather sunny day in Sydney. She was sunning herself and making sure that the sun did not give her any of the blemishes and spots that it was famed for giving. ‘After all,’ she mused, ‘my beauty is why I get so many fans coming to...