Ashwin Sanghi and the secrets of writing a thriller
I remember reading Chanakya’s Chant a few years back and knew then that the time for Indian readers to get high on thrillers written by Indian writers had come. In the years that followed, I read and reviewed The Krishna Key and Private India as well. Obviously then, it was fascinating to finally meet the...

Rashmi Bansal on writing and publishing
Rashmi Bansal is a name that every reader in India is aware of. Who hasn’t bought and read Connect the dots, Follow every rainbow, Stay hungry stay foolish, I have a dream… and other books that she has written? Obviously then, if one gets an opportunity to talk to her, one is sure to let...

The native digital era is finally here
When I say that the native digital era is finally here I do not mean that the conventional print book is dead. It isn’t. However, reading has been given a power-filled push because books can be read even on the smartphone with all the benefits that the typical Kindle e-reader gives. It isn’t only Sanjeev...