Three is hardly worthy of being called a gang… the number gives an impression that the gang probably has a lot of expectations but no aggression. And if you go on and call them a triangle, the punch gives way to imagined thoughts that insinuate relationships with hyperventilation of emotions. But then the three that I have in mind aren’t you, me, and her… the three are write, inspire, and network.
Let us first see why the three cannot possibly form a triangle. It is well known that merely networking will never convert the mundane thoughts inside you into vibrant ones that transform you into a writer. And a networker is perpetually surrounded by hounds, hawks, and vultures waiting to pounce the moment you make one slip!
‘What if I write well?’ you ask, ‘Can’t I then inspire others through my writing and convert this inspired lot into a network and form my own triangle?’
Well, I explained, if you choose to call it a triangle you’re actually bringing in a lot of melodrama, hysterical moments, and emotional tsunamis… so yes, the three can come together but it is saner to call them a gang.
‘Gang? Wouldn’t that give me a feeling that these three are always conniving for their vested interests and possibly ganging up against some other thought that is trying to find a place for itself?’
Even when three simple sounding concepts decide to gang up they can end up becoming vicious and may begin enjoying plundering innocent and gullible minds. This can be disastrous. History has ample proof of people like Hitler who used the three to terrify the world. What does divisive politics do? It writes, inspires, networks and then wrecks. No sir, ganging up would be inappropriate for these concepts… well, I’m not calling them mere words as that underestimates their inherent power.
Now look at the situation in Delhi. We have a guy who has written a book called ‘Swaraj’ and believes in what he has written… he has even managed to inspire an entire generation and this networking with the youth has finally given him the opportunity to show the country that he means some good. So behind every written word there is an intent… and if this intent were subversive, this combination would simply degenerate into another gang. A gang that plunders the wealth of a nation… just as has been done these past 65 years.
So write, inspire, and network can come together as a triangle but only if you want masala of the emotional atyachaar sort. They can even come together as a gang but then they’d end up being voted out as soon as the electorate wakes. The only long term existence of the three is if they join hands as a team.
‘Seems good enough. But what if I want to call my team a gang?’
A team would still remain a team, so go ahead and call it ‘The gang’.
This post has been written as part of the WIN ’14 Activity at BlogAdda!
Arvind Passey
29 January 2014
Subroto says:
Jan 29, 2014
Great angle for a story but it’s hip to be square 😉
Arvind Passey says:
Jan 30, 2014
Thanks for reading the post, buddy! 🙂
Preeti says:
Feb 1, 2014
Well the way things are in Delhi we all seem to be going around in circles! Nicely written…
Arvind Passey says:
Feb 3, 2014
Thank you Preeti… for reaching out to my blog and for commenting. 🙂