Years ago, two normal guys got together in their garage and came up with an idea. They wanted to build the world’s first personal computer. All the “experts” told them that they couldn’t do it – and IBM was the “only game in town” – but they listened to their hearts and they launched – Apple Computer! Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak – are now multi-millionaires. William Arthur Ward has this to say of the ‘power of dreams’: “If you can imagine it, you can achieve it. If you can dream it, you can do it.”

Dreams have been a source of inspiration (and education!) for many creative thinkers, artists, writers, scientists, and other human beings engaged in the voyage of the discovery we call “Life”. Dreams are riches of the night that bring to light the attitudes we’ve outgrown, the difficulties we’ve ignored, and the conflicts that have been affecting us. They can help us to get in touch with our inner wisdom, and can give us the direction we need to move forward.

People who realize their dreams, have a spiritual sense of a greater purpose in their lives and in their “work”. For them work is fun – not a chore. They wake up every day with a passionate purpose – they know that there are great things to be created every day.
We all have unrealized capabilities. Deep within us, a force beyond our comprehension exists. This force has always been there – waiting, simmering and aching to be tapped. Knowing how to tap this power signifies the difference between those of us who are successful and those who are not. The power of your dream means taking something you believe in, crafting it and then sharing it with the world.
The most amazing thing about dreams is their infinite creativity, variety and availability. The mind, regardless of age or intelligence levels, generates new ideas, night after night, spinning endless fantasies that surpass Hollywood’s best efforts. We each have a master artist living in our unconscious, inviting us to a free private screening of works created especially for us each night.


Dreams come from our creative self, thus they are very important. When we realize our dreams – and begin to embrace it and live it, our life starts transforming in such a way that we would wonder how we could have lived our life in any other way.

The power of our dreams comes from our heart. Our heart is our true center. When people “put their heart and soul into it”, they symbolize the power of dreams. An old sage once said, “Your dreams are the children of your heart, the voice of your soul.” Our dreams come from our heart – and our spirit speaks through our heart. Everyone – every person in this world has a dream – a passion – a vision in his life that pulls him and urges him to move forward.

Many people spend entire lives in pursuit of money, power, fame, and more trappings of the conscious mind and ego. But despite their material wealth they land in spiritual bankruptcy. Real happiness and satisfaction in life depends upon how you embrace what you are passionate about! And only by embracing your passions can happiness be achieved.


Our dreams know all about us. Dreams reveal us to ourselves. They show us how we feel about life. Dreams fascinate us; seeming to come from a mysterious place deep within us, out of the reach of our everyday selves. Only when we pay attention to them, do they become a powerful force for transformation.

The power of your dream is to realize that you are the power of the Universe at this moment. There are three simple things that separate people who realize their dreams from those who don’t.

1)    A deep passion and commitment in whatever they do.
2)    A clear focus and inner clarity of what’s most important in their lives.
3)    An unwavering sense of purpose beyond “the mind”.

Our soul has a clear purpose in this life. Resistance of that purpose can cause pain, struggle and heartache. Being in alignment with this purpose, we experience fulfillment and inner peace. The manifestation of what we want then becomes far simpler.


Dreams are a risk free way to learn new skills, explore new behavior and make changes in our life. Material flows freely between the virtual realms of dreams and waking reality. It is noticeable that what concerns our waking mind often appears in our dreams. The opposite is also true.
By focusing our mind on specific areas that interest us, we can intentionally create dreams to promote growth and healing. We can develop assertiveness or become more comfortable in making friends by practicing in our dreams.

Working on our dreams can increase our capacity for intimacy by entering our self-awareness. Sharing what we discover in the unedited, uncensored parts of our heart and mind can let us be seen and heard in new and meaningful ways. Dreams can lead us to fascinating safaris through the uncharted territory of our mind and heart. They can be the maps to many of our treasures. A neuroscientist and a Freudian psychoanalyst, though from different disciplines, both agree that dreams help us to deal with our everyday lives. Dreams help us to process information in our subconscious, to help us solve problems. The state of our health can be spotlighted in our dreams. We can utilize our dreams by paying attention to them.

It is best to put on our miner’s cap, and begin to uncover the messages to ourselves buried deep in our own mind. Reach within to reach out!

[Arvind Passey]
Written for PT Education