A dialogue is the beginning point of all successes! That is the reason for the mammoth popularity of CAT-A-LOGUE. This mega event that is conducted at all the centres of PT is distinctive in its flavour and success. With a totally-engrossed, involved, focussed, and clearly upbeat student audience, this event surely is a feather in the cap of the entire PT team!

A dialogue that informs and propels can be life-changing. Sometimes all a person needs to open the door to a world of possibilities is just one more good interaction. This event is all about a ‘dialogue before the CAT’ and the seminars are aimed at giving the ‘target students’ a fair idea of the MBA institutes, how to select the ones best suited to their inclinations, all about CAT and the IIMs, the selection intricacies that will be involved and so on.

Such events do have a vital role to play in the success stories that we so often read. The same can very well be true for all of us only if we:
1. Encourage the birth of dreams
2. Nurture them
3. Convert the genius in their abstraction to something that is real

With over 19000 pairs of attentive ears and the value-addition of a hugely successful scholarship test where even the brightest has to slog it out, this event will be the talk of the town at every place it is conducted, for months! Even the informal discussion that invariably follows the presentations and the scholarship-test charms the students…and the entire mood reflects the heady charm of…
Kar ke dikhayenge!

[Arvind Passey]