Let us travel together
Not just on the roads that are
But also where the weather
Has beaten and left a scar!

Such places where we discover
Soft edges to all sharp stones,
Wipe the dust to then uncover
All the friendly ghosts and gnomes!

All the twists and all the turns
We shall make for times to come
That is how the future learns –
Gives moments a friendly hum!

On terrain that undulates
And seeks to hide from our sight
We will take turns, open gates –
Be where only heavens might.

And navigate with the stars
That twinkle bright in our eyes
Darkness then will be a farce
That can never win, entice!

Only friends who go as one
To see, to free all the strife
That merge with life and the fun –
Only friends discover life!

[Arvind Passey]