Reply to a discussion query on linkedin:

Query: As an over 40 career changer do you focus on money ($$$) issues or “do what you love (?)?” Read Article:

My answer:

Read your article… interesting ‘unconventional’ tips, where you fell that a career change is generally as straightforward as a choice between just a ‘focus on money ($$$) issues or “do what you love (?)’.

Thought financial angles are just as important as one’s search for an emotional haven in the professional environs… life isn’t always an excel sheet powered by formulas and technically sound solutions. Life goes much beyond a ‘how to’ type of cliched route and can take you for plunges into the unknown despite a jargoned hype that you may be wanting to follow.

I suggest a three point STOP-route for a great professional as well as a personal life:

1. Stop planning and start living the moment!

2. Stop chasing and start being creative!

3. Stop expecting and start respecting the mystery of today!

Success and whatever you associate with it naturally follows once you allow yourselves to detach yourselves from text-book sermons.

Arvind Passey
29 November 2010