Recommendations written by me for my friends, associates, business links, and co-workers on the social networking site

Calm and firm, decisive yet democratic, Neelkamal seems to be just another intriguing personality in the beginning but slowly transforms into an enigma! I always found him up-to date with his defense as well as offense… and in today’s management, this is essential though rare. Neelkamal … I fondly called him Blue Lotus (not because it happens to be a literal meaning of his name but because he always seemed spiritually evolved)… is a friend who will never offer a wrong professional direction and a professional who will never stoop to unfriendliness that is unbecoming. I wish Neelkamal a wonderful professional and personal journey!
January 15, 2011
Written for: Neelkamal Bhardwaj. Director, BIFM


Humility, an energetic urge to learn, courage to give truth a voice, helpfulness, and the ability to tirelessly search for the right answer or solution to a problem are what Vishal is made up of. I always found him busy with his task at hand and at the same time offering his assistance with a willing smile… this is what multi-tasking is all about. Wishing Vishal an awesome future!
January 13, 2011
Written for: Vishal Krishen. AM Corporate Relations at BIFM


During my years of interaction with Varun, he was rapidly metamorphosing into a formidable professional. Well past his student years, Varun still rightly believed that studentship never really ends… and kept himself busy updating his knowledge quotient. This is precisely what endeared him to his students at BIFM, his fellow teachers, and his superiors. Wishing Varun all the best in his jog to perfection!
January 13, 2011
Written for: Varun Gupta CFP. Content Developer at BIFM


All those of you who agree that HR guys need to be everywhere without interfering anywhere will like Rakesh. A tireless worker and always involved in his task at hand, Rakesh represented a silent warrior! Wishing him all the best in his assignment at Ion Exchange!
January 13, 2011
Written for: Rakesh Dubey. HR North at Ion Exchange India Ltd


Creating any form of communication for an organization needs intelligent and focused input… and Shivani was always the most trusted source for this raw material. Her involvement with the marketing activities at BIFM was the reason she was able to analyze the situation and offer strategic gems.

The other facets about her that became apparent only later include the way she lead her team exuding a friendly charm that not many are capable of.
Wishing Shivani all the best for a great career surge!
January 12, 2011
Written for: Dr.Shivani Kapoor. Sr. Mgr BD at BIFM


“Piercing questions. Valid suggestions. Bold ideas. Clear communication. these are the four things that I began associating with Sandeep that fateful day in Indore during PACT. I was taking the communications session and Sandeep was a part of the learners there… quite an understatement because I turned out to be the only learner! When I met him in Delhi a few months back, he exuded the same objective charm and captivating intelligence. A good friend to have. ”
December 14, 2010
Written for: Sandeep Gupta. DIRECTOR at PT Education GWALIOR CENTRE


“Business analysis creates a lot of noise, though business analysts generally remain silent… so I’d call him a ‘cracker’ personality! His analytics are impeccable, true, and explode through the bulls eye every time… and he, therefore, speaks through his excel sheets which are like crackers!! he knows when and how to ignite these crackers! A simple, friendly soul who is forever looking for a partner… hope he finds one soon enough!! 🙂 ”
November 9, 2010
Written for: Ravindra Kumar. Business Analyst at BIFM


“There are many who will swear that IT-Heads are arrogant… and that they will always give you a complex technical reason for any delay. Yash was different. He gave all the right technical reasons to the CMD to get the IT infrastructure strengthened, broadened, and evolved into the best so long as he was there with PT. At that time I controlled the design team in Indore from my little cubicle in Delhi. And I must say we never found IT-glitches creating road-blocks for artwork production. Yash is a heavyweight so far as friendliness, good-naturedness, helpfulness, and tech-expertise is concerned… wishing him all the best in all his pursuits!”
November 9, 2010
Written for: Yash Verma.  Sr. SQL DBA / T3 / PSE at CSS Corp Ltd (Virtual EMp of Oracle)


“Nov. 2005 was so full of the learning schedules at PT HQ in Indore that I had almost forgotten that I was a human being. It was then that a few more new recruits joined me as i trained myself… and Meenu Chopra was one of them. She, along with Madhur Nangia, taught us others how important it was to remain cool in the most trying times… and also how vital it was to not just give but also look your best. The last sentence obviously implies that Meenu has a persona who everyone would stop to turn back to look more than twice. This does not mean that she is a soft manager… she is tough… she is creative… she is full of new ideas… she is friendly… she is an asset wherever she is. All the best, Meenu.”
November 9, 2010
Written for: Meenu Chopra. Branch Head at PT Education


“Rakesh was already there with BLB taking care of IT there when i joined. The first week itself I realised that the ONE major reason for my settling down to my kind of work was because of the proactive support I got from IT… and the ONE person who went out of his way to ensure that efficacy never suffered, was Rakesh Jaiswal! Unforgettable. Friendly. Smiling. Alert. Energetic. Unafraid. Rakesh obviously has more traits than I ever got to know… but whatever I know of him is what I have mentioned. Hoping he will always have a great time keeping the IT flag flying wherever he is.”
November 9, 2010
Written for: Rakesh Jaiswal. Manager IT at SPA Securities Limited


“If all the bright faculty of the world were to be in a single group, Amit will be somewhere in the front. That said, he has a knack to take up new challenges in any form, learn their secrets, and accomplish them… I’ve seen him planning and executing electronic versions of complex finance lectures, get deep into design and format, happily negotiate with various vendors, and still have the energy to share jokes with his students… this is the kind of wonder that Amit is.”
November 9, 2010
Written for: Amit Agrawal. Associate Faculty at BLB Institute of Finanacial Market


To know and to communicate effectively what one knows are two different things. There is a third category where ‘knowing’, ‘communicating what you know’, and managing all the others who ‘know’ are handled together. There will, no doubt, be lots of CFPs and Finance specialists but there will be only a handful among them who fulfill the triple criteria mentioned above. Deepak ji is an expert who does all the three and is still evolving. To top it all, he is also a dear friend.”
November 9, 2010
Written for: Deepak Jain CFP , CWM. GM at BLB Institute of Financial Markets


“Any PC-related issue is sure to melt in moments if it is handled by Ramesh… this was not just my opinion, the entire company echoed it! What is heart-warming about him is the endearing smile which he never seemed to lose even in the face of extremely stubborn software or hardware glitches. Hope he remains the same smiling techy who makes the PC tremble!!”
November 8, 2010
Written for: RAMESH GURUNG. System administrator at BLB Group


You’ve asked me for this work… and it will be done. One sentence that very simply offers the way Amit communicates with his work environment. The work is also completed… probably better and faster than had it been entrusted to someone else. The placements section was always in safe hands so long as it was looked after by him… loved his passion for work, his always-ON smile, and his readiness to help you even if he wasn’t directly related to an assignment.”
November 8, 2010
Written for: Amit Agarwal. AM – Placements at Bangalore School of Business, Delhi


“There were three vital lessons that anyone in contact with Mr Rajanish Khare should ideally have imbibed: 1. Smile even when the air around you turns surly. He always seemed to tell me that courage and confidence form the foundation of his smiles. 2. So long as you have the power to control how things appear around you and your team — convert them into a focus that doesn’t stifle. This promotes a work culture that begets the best results. 3. Give time and attention to others who approach you with their problems. This facilitates a bond that helps an organization evolve. Importantly, I must also admit here that one doesn’t come across people like him too often.”
November 8, 2010
Written for: Rajanish Khare. Director at PT Education


“A scintillating personality, Nausheen has the ability to win over others by the depths of her knowledge and empathy. She was an involved with all relevant tasks associated with ‘New Vistas’ at PT Education… and completed her assignments with a verve that won her a lot of respect and smiles. Hope to remain in touch with a person who will always have something interesting to communicate… from ‘studies abroad’ to ‘sufi poetry’.”
November 8, 2010
Written for: Nausheen Fida. Knowlwdge Executive at PT education


“An incredibly responsible person who knows how to steer an assignment to its natural conclusion. Deepak also has an unquenchable thirst for knowing more… especially when it comes to any innovation connected to the web. However, the best thing about Deepak is has the ability to walk through even the most trying of times with a smile that is infectious… and also prompts a healthy work environment.”
August 30, 2010
Written for: Deepak Jain. Sr. Software Eng at Comvision India Pvt Ltd


“Any artwork is a result of excellent team-work where conceptualization is as vital as the execution. An idea, if incorrectly executed, can be as bad as a fertilization gone astray! Ajay has a powerful way of transforming an idea into an artwork through his expertise in Corel Draw, Photoshop, Dreamweaver… as the situation demands. The best thing about him is his readiness to learn all that is new in the technology bandwidth. I am proud to have been a part of the team that has given BIFM some excellent artworks.”
December 23, 2009
Written for: Ajay Sharma. Senior Graphic Designer at BIFM


“A genius when it comes to understanding the needs of students. Not just this, Durgesh ji has a way with words, expressions, and ideas that not many have… and he manages to communicate the most difficult thoughts very easily. This is probably the reason for hs popularity with students as well as his professional friends and colleagues too. Wishing him all the best for a great time in his vocation.”
August 16, 2009
Written for: Durgesh Upadhyay. Director and franchise owner at PT Education


“If given a choice, I’d rename Varun as SIGMA… this guy is really an ace so far as perfection in operations goes. He is taking care of the placement cell at BIFM and go about his responsibilities with a ‘creative logic’. Sigma’s (oops! it is Varun, I presume) involvement is infectious and he manages to impress all around him (irrespective of the hierarchy) with the inherent dynamism of his ideas as well as efforts to implement them. He is an asset as a friend and colleague… keep it up, Varun!”
April 29, 2009
Written for: Varun Singh Dewal. Manager – Corporate Relations at BIFM


“Almost like the meaning of his name, Jugnu is one who spreads the light of virtual creativity wherever he happens to be. The websites that he has created have a unique charm of their own. Wishing him all the best for his efforts and professional life.”
April 20, 2009
Written for: Jugnu Sharma. Graphic/Web Designer


“Understanding financial concepts and making others understand them are two separate things. Anjan is an expert in both! His expertise is not limited to just the technical aspects of content and their teaching… but also how an organisation must promote their courses. He is also well aware of the relevant marketing and media angles that make him vital for any institution. Wishing him all the best for his professional life!”
April 20, 2009


“Jasjeet has always been a thorough professional who created an atmosphere where people think, act, and react positively. There is nothing more that an organisation, a team, colleagues, and friends will ask for. The involved work that he did for placements in BIFM cannot really be described by a mere word like ‘excellent’. His ideation on work-areas beyond placement, his feedback even for marketing artworks, and his infectious zest are things that will stay on in the organisation for a long time. He has an intellectual prowess that will keep the tempo of this metaphysical fact alive wherever he is, forever! Wishing Jasjeet a great future and hope he will always be pro-actively attentive to the future of those around him.”
April 15, 2009
Written for: Jasjeet Singh. Manager-Corporate Relations at BIFM


“Lokesh has an uncanny knack for converting IT (Information Technology) into IT (Interesting Technology)… and believe me, only a person with in-depth knowledge of the processes involved can do this effectively. Wishing Lokesh all the best for a great future!”
February 20, 2009
Written for: Lokesh Madan. CTO at BLB Limited


“I lovingly called her ‘the human with PR dynamism’… reasons are simple enough. Neha understood the needs of the organisation with the simplest form of brief and went on to add value to her assignments… from interviewing big shots to creating a viable connect between the organisation and the media. Lastly, her insights into PR have given me a stronger understanding of how PR functions. Wishing her all the best in all her career moves!!”
November 27, 2008
Written for: Neha Garg. Corporate Communications Executive at PT Education


“Rajiv is a person with verve and a level of energy that is rarely observed. He is surely an asset for any organisation. His knowledge and exposure to the tenets of marketing in the ‘studies abroad’ sector is formidable.”
October 24, 2008
Written for: Rajiv Ganjoo. National Head at PT Education and Training Services Limited


Vishal is a person who accepts any challenging task given to him. The best part is that he accepts with a smile and accomplishes with a smile! Resilience is a factor that is a big positive with him.”
June 24, 2008
Written for: Vishal Setia. Senior Executive at PT Education


“Excellence in communication, an attitude of problem-solving, creating the right solutions for clients… these are not wild and whirling words but little snippets of truth that every good employer must search for in employees. This is the kind of person that Ateet is.”
October 24, 2008
Written for: Ateet Dhanda.  TV spots with CNBC


“Aanchal has creative elements meandering through her DNA too… a small discussion, a short brief is all that this DNA needs to convert a tentative concept into something attractive enough to be an outright winner!”
October 24, 2008
Written for: Aanchal Tyagi. TV Spot with CNBC


“A genius when it comes to understanding the needs of students. Not just this, Durgesh ji has a way with words, expressions, and ideas that not many have… and he manages to communicate the most difficult thoughts very easily. This is probably the reason for hs popularity with students as well as his professional friends and colleagues too. Wishing him all the best for a great time in his vocation.”
August 16, 2009
Written for: Durgesh Upadhyay. Director and franchise owner at PT Education