Yes, I can actually write poems on even Ultrabooks! I realised this this week when I saw a few blog posts where the writers had posted their luscious pictures with ultrabooks in a rather unique way. I said to myself: ‘Now this is indeed a fashion statement!’

Then I saw not one, but a few more blogs where these light-weight laptops were projected as fashion statements and I looked at all of them for a while (Well, the ultrabooks as well as the beautiful faces with them) and wrote a few poems. But not before I asked myself these questions:

Was it the laptop that I was looking at?
Was the attraction because of colourfully painted walls?
Was it the refreshingly different text that fascinated?
Was it your smile that won my attention?
Was it all of them rolled-in together like a delicious kathi-roll?

Well, if this were to be an MCQ test, I would’ve opted for the last choice! ‘This isn’t just a review, it is a work of art!’ I said to myself… because a mere review points out only all the right things that anyone about to make a buying decision would want to read and see. The best thing about these reviews was that they were a distinct change from the drab utterly-techy reviews that one comes across so often these days. Anyway, what most people want is a review that will win their heart! These did.

The reviews had the Chic-Sutra, the Angle-Sutra, the Colour-Sutra, the Happy-Sutra, and the Goggled-Sutra conjunction-ed rather well with the Practical-Sutra, the Useful-Sutra, the You-Make-Me-Jealous-Sutra, and the Features-Sutra!

Truth is that even I have done quite a few gadget reviews and have always gone for an off-beat format… no, it was never the usual get-the-facts and put-them-all-together sort of review that I ever liked. However, I have reviewed gadgets combining them with fiction, mythology and poetry. These reviews, however gave me too new ideas.

Here are the poems…

The ultrabook poems

The ultrabook poems

Poem 01 

On your lap I shall dance

Stimulation for eyes
You get some extra Hi’s
Your life I will enhance
On your lap I shall dance!

I’m sleek and I am slim
And I’m surely not dim
Workwise I always prance
On your lap I shall dance!

I fit in everywhere
You take me here and there
Always in for romance
On your lap I shall dance!

Know all you want to know
Show all you want to show
You’ll get your share of scans
On your lap I shall dance!


Poem 02

In the bag or out of it
Deserves a kiss everywhere
In size and weight it seems fit
Comes with all the new software!

Gadgets now can’t gadgets be
They must sweat and walk on ramp
Be fast, work more, and be free
For the gamer in the champ!

They must go out, win new fans
Get eyeballs and get eye scans
With their smiling colour tans
Never be the also-rans!


Poem 03 

Hey! Look at me at my seductive best
Cajoled, pampered, and lovingly held
By the best looking
And the by the most thinking
Of all the literate
And the not-so-literate
The literati
The glitterati
The I’m-here-to-win sort
And the I’m-here-to-love sort
The serious
The witty
And very soon
Almost everybody else!

I am the machine
That humans love
I am the device
That humans want
I am the gadget
That humans can’t be without!

I am the ultrabook!!


Poem 04 

Go, go and win more hearts like mine
For, you are like an uncorked wine

No wonder then that pictures speak
And leave the other laptops weak!

The words that tell me who you are
Or what you do, with whom you spar

Are words that simply tell the facts –
The Theme, the Scenes, and all the Acts!

And I am truly impressed now
So with these words I take my bow!


Well, frankly, for me, reading these reviews was like going on a date with a finance genius who acts like Vidya Balan, dresses like Katrina Kaif, and pouts like Priyanka Chopra! Loved the experience… of reading a review.

The pictures in those reviews were like a poet’s imagination speaking aloud… without turning into a cacophony! The pictures told me a lot about what I seek in an Ultrabook and they gently led me to fall in love with this gadget. It is my fluttering heart that then wrote these words…


Arvind Passey
12 July 2012