Come on now, walk more, talk less
And life no longer will be a mess!

If you can stand and do, why sit?
If you walk and do, you remain fit.

Exercise your body and also your mind
Even on a tough day it helps you unwind!

Keep the mind fit and find time to read
Books are the company one will ever need!

Do what you will but with your heart in it
You shall then know every secret bit by bit!

Choose responsibility, don’t forget rights
Imbalances here unsettles insights!

Time moves, so move with the times
Learn the way technology chimes

Remain alert, interact with all —
Says my papa who still stands tall!

Parting is far easier than being one
Fit togetherness in life for greater fun!

Eat in moderation as you eat to live, dear
Over-eating is so full of unhealthy fear!

Life isn’t ‘Gimme! Gimme! Gimme!’, so give
And learn this mantra that makes life live!




Fitness redefined in two-line tweet rhymes

Fitness redefined in two-line tweet rhymes




Arvind Passey
27 January 2017