The invasion of Bollywood villains

No, this isn’t a figment of my imagination. I have seen Gabbar, Mogambo, Sir Juda, Shakaal, Kaancha, Bhaironath, Dr Dang, Langda Tyagi, Lallan Singh, Jageera, Lotiya Pathan, Bakhtawar Singh and many others inside many homes… creating the worst possible chaos.

‘Are these names that you have given to mosquitoes?’ asked Specky, my wife as she read the opening for this new post.

‘Ha! These are all iconic villains from Bollywood,’ I said, ‘how can you even call them mosquitoes? They are far more villainous than these miniscule minions that suck our blood. The villains that I am talking about are far deadlier and noiselessly take lives over a period of time.’

‘You know, like Mogambo, the chemicals in paints and varnishes ogle at mortals. These people who inhale them and talk about how they have loved the smell of freshly painted walls or the varnish on their furniture are probably not even aware that they are placing their future into the hands of villains who are masters of deception.’ I told her that for me the old paint within the four walls that has heavy metals such as Lead and Mercury are no less villainous than Langda Tyagi and Jageera, the methane, carbon dioxide, nitrogen, ammonia, sulphides, carbon monoxide and non-methane organic compounds such as benzene and vinyl chloride or even Formaldehyde as the toxic chemical that carpets and particle boards were the other villains that hide behind the charming motifs on cushions and the weaves on the upholstery at home. Like Gabbar they get bold when the ventilation within the house in inadequate, like Dr Dang they use jargon to impress the gullible and stay on inside the pipes and ducts of the heating or the air-conditioning at home. They ask the cooling and heating service for assistance to check their unit. If you’re from the Ohio area, you may also consider asking experts in furnace repair in Eaton, OH for assistance. They are so like Shakaal pretending to annihilate the vermin on the floor but have a completely different agenda that includes sucking life out of humans. Like Kaancha they remain the dregs of society and conduct their nefarious activities from the underbelly of cushions and the pores of the upholstery. The Lotiya Pathan and Lallan Singh from Bollywood flicks can be none other than the lung constrictors in the smoke that cigarettes and bidis irresponsibly spread amongst smokers and secondary smokers as well. Then there are the harbingers of indoor pollution hiding in the most innocuous nooks and corners of the kitchen, in the flame of the harmless-looking cooking gas, charcoal, logs in hearths, the dung of animals used as fuel in rural homes, and even in the inflamed layers of incense sticks… the henchmen of the villainous bosses also need a parallel in the the pages of indoor pollution, you see.

Some of the favourite responses of these pollutants resemble the guttural sounds of Mogambo says, ‘Mogambo khush hua’ or Gabbar gloating about his prowess in instilling fear in the heart of little kids in the words of mothers trying to put them to sleep. What these villains have taught me is that they are always a catalyst showing the cracks in any armour. But for them, we’d have blissfully remained unaware of the tricks they are capable of thinking of. And it is they who show us the ways of escaping their clutches.

Talking of escapes, there are plenty… in Bollywood flicks, the hero invariably cleans up the environment by attempting to shift opinions of the masses or simply going all out for annihilating villains. The hero takes all positive steps to keep away from evil influences, sets up a regular agenda to be followed, brings in characters that strengthen his team, and sometimes even resorts to unconventional actions to get his work done. The work to be done, so far as indoor pollution is concerned, is creating an environment that isn’t conducive for pollutants that are being compared to villains. The foremost action is to ensure a #CleanAirBeautifulHomes sort of philosophy where every small action, like putting garbage in bins, segregating garbage, regular dusting and mopping with non-polluting agents, and keeping doors and windows open to maintain healthy ventilation, is put in place and followed religiously without gaps or laxity. This will all be possible with the help of Sunshine Coast skip bin hire, which maintains a healthy environment. The other things that I generally do is to buy products that are environmentally safe and it is here that the role of Royale Atmos from Asian Paints can be mentioned. These paints are not just refraining from emitting poisonous fumes but are also having the right chemical mix that captures bad odours and keeps the home safely fragrant. The right team-building exercise, for me, includes the nurturing of the right indoor plants that not just please the heart and the soul but also shoo away gases like CO and attempt to nullify the ill-effects of chemical fumes that are constantly being produced even inside homes… and let me add here that even the bathrooms and the kitchen are included

What I can say with a lot of conviction is that even watching Hindi movies does give us great directions to keep the home environmentally safe.


Do watch this video to know more about the painting alternative mentioned:


Bollywood villains and your home

Bollywood villains and your home



Other posts on pollution that I have written:

The song of the artsy cow

The criminals inside every home

Policing the language of pollution

Let us extend our stay on earth

The Da Vinci of Death



Arvind Passey
24 September 2017