Yoga is more than the relationship between businesses and politics though our news agencies would deny this vehemently. I insist that yoga, relationships, and fragrances go together. By the way, when they are moving ahead as one, they last longer than any Eau de Parfum or Eau de Toilette if I may add. No limits in terms of hours are valid when yoga refreshes relationships in a unique fragrant sort of way, and if you’re into intercourse and sex, and you don’t have a relationship, you can use services like skip the game top cities just for this purpose.

Yoga is all about complex positions that simplify relationships. Yoga is all about yogis seeking spirituality. Yoga is all about breathing-in the fragrant freshness of relationships and breathing-out any putrefying effects hanging around like pollutants. Every little contortion during yoga has a super-fragrant uplifting effect on the body and mind though most of us don’t even realise all this.

Relationships are everywhere… within our home, outside our home, in the office, outside office, with friends, with enemies, with and without kids, near and away from our spouse, with relatives, and the list is actually endless and if you want to enjoy time with your partner in intimacy you can find the best options for this at this vibrator wand reviews. After all, relationships have subtle nuances that make each of them different from each other. Without wanting to sound like a text-book, let me just talk about a few positions and how life-changing they can be for relationships.

The ‘give space to emotions’ position

Just look at this position. I don’t know how this fellow managed to get wherever he is but what it shows clearly is the need for space for emotions of varying intensity and type to keep circulating. I believe there are no good and bad emotions and each of them has a purpose in the eco-system of human relationships.

Fragrance in relationships_the ‘give space to emotions’ position

Fragrance in relationships_the ‘give space to emotions’ position

Relationships remain fragrant so long as all sorts of emotions co-exist and know where and when they are supposed to pop up and for how long. For instance, one cannot really allow anger to circumnavigate all our hours in a day and then expect relationships to exhibit joy, can we? Anger cannot be asked to leave forever as well because then the entire food-chain of emotions gets terribly disturbed.

This position could have any name given to it (and I am not so concerned about yoga nomenclature here) but what impresses me is the fact that it is allowing all sorts of emotions a chance to live their own life. If we do the same without getting overly attached to one particular emotion, life get so much saner. This position also implores us to practice a bit of detachment each day which simply means keeping our nose out of other people’s affairs unless we are asked to intervene and suggest or assist. Don’t you think this position deserves to be linked to a fruity fragrance? Just look at the way the position behaves like a cheerleader, has a wicked side, is nearly always fresh, and spices up thoughtful and emotion-laden moments. These emotion-directing moments have a compelling aroma that never really attempts to overwhelm… and ensures that even the wildest of emotions are used sparingly. Specky, my wife, calls this position a genuine Ralph Wild moment! The truth is that understanding such positions do give birth to #FragranceInRelationships.

The ‘stop over-planning’ position

The strange thing is that yoga positions tell us a lot and are perfect vehicles for the health of both the body and the mind. This one with all its open stances is openly inviting all sorts of mundane and seemingly meaningless moments to come and do whatever they have been created for. One cannot, for instance, remain happy leading a completely structured life with no time to stand and look at a flower blooming or stop to hear the kut-kut of a woodpecker perched on a tree.

Fragrance in relationships_the ‘stop over-planning’ position

Fragrance in relationships_the ‘stop over-planning’ position

Yes, we certainly must live the life that we have worked hard to create but it helps to bring in flexibility and a willingness to accept actions that don’t appear to be productive. Isn’t it nice to leave the office early to simply reach home and spend some extra time cuddling with one’s spouse or playing jenga with kids or simply taking everyone out for a surprise shopping trip? This position is all about letting mundane moments come in and spread a floral fragrance that is both sweet and romantic. It is almost like letting your undiscovered side be open and ready to be embraced and thus allowing a bit of Chanel No. 5 breeze in to lift life to new heights.

The ‘show and don’t just tell’ position

I have seen so many parents queuing up to buy board games and books for their kids that I once thought there could be nothing wrong with them until I realized that most of them left their kids alone to play and to read. This doesn’t happen. This isn’t right.

Fragrance in relationships_the ‘show and don’t just tell’ position

Fragrance in relationships_the ‘show and don’t just tell’ position

We move ahead with relationships within the family only if we understand what is going on in the yoga position that I have drawn. There is a willingness to move but the person is showing how to create a lot of space and time for interactions with kids.

This position is so similar to a citrus fragrance that is both lively and energetic. It is showing me that asking a kid to go out and play with his new football is not as wonderful as going out and showing what dribbling is all about. Relationships need a bit of citrus included because they are all about daytime delights and can aptly be called the Burberry Weekend or Clinique Happy moments and so vital for the family to remain cohesive.

The ‘never distort facts’ position

Relationships are all about openness and never appreciate distortions of facts. In fact, relationships also find the attitude of closing your eyes to the truth as rather distasteful. This position in yoga is a live demonstration of how to correct what is utterly wrong in attitude I office as well as at home or even when one is with friends.

Fragrance in relationships_the ‘never distort facts’ position

Fragrance in relationships_the ‘never distort facts’ position

This position reminds me of oceanic that is a recent concoction in the world of fragrances. This fragrance tells us that being open to discussions and staying away from distortions and untruths helps relationships remain crisp, efficient, and fresh. I personally will appoint Christian Dior Dune and Davidoff Cool Water as the ambassadors of this segment.

The ‘confront facts boldly’ position

The next in this series has to be a position that demonstrates a firm foot forward as an affirmation of standing by what is true and correct. Relationships don’t advance to a higher plane if people involved are meekly kow-towing to whatever is presented to them. This yoga position is a good enough reminder of the importance of facing developments and then deciding to accept them if they are right. This is the only way to nurture relationships.

Fragrance in relationships_the ‘confront facts boldly’ position_LI

Fragrance in relationships_the ‘confront facts boldly’ position

This strong position of facing facts and then allowing changes to happen is akin to woody fragrances that represent paths in the forest where one is completely prepared for surprises. Some call this fragrance a masculine one though essential for women too to adopt sometimes to give them a no-nonsense stance. As forest nuances are whipped into this one, there is a strange convergence of romance with a lets-do-it kind of voice-over and Britney Spears believe and Gucci Envy Me are adequate reminders of this #FragranceInRelationships yogic logic.

The ‘Onward ho!’ position

If you’re the sort who has concluded that yoga is a static form of getting healthy, you’re completely off the track. Yoga has effectively connected the past with the future and also being stationary with movement. Yoga connects the poles effectively and this is why I am fascinated with this position. It tells me directly that there is no chance of a relationship prospering and evolving if one remains brooding about the past forever. So get up and move on because life is meant to be just this and is not about remaining fixed to one position.

Fragrance in relationships_the ‘Onward ho!’ position

Fragrance in relationships_the ‘Onward ho!’ position

Life, some say, is sugar and spice and all things nice, but only when you keep stirring moments with new ingredients. Let life be like a medley of aromas that come laden with cloves, ginger, cinnamon, cardamom, pepper, and spices as these are the ones that encourage life to take steps forward. Relationships love moving on and invite re-inventions and re-structuring modes every morning and that is why they are contemporary even when they look old-fashioned. I think Givenchy Ysatis and Chanel Coco represent this attitude rather effectively.

The ‘share-ware’ position

Both yoga and fragrances enhance relationships primarily when sharing and caring are an essential part of our routine. No share and no care simply lead relationships to a dead-end. Relationships never effectively rhyme with me-my-I-mine sort of mantra and prosper if the ambit is broadened and becomes inclusive.

Fragrance in relationships_the ‘share-ware’ position

Fragrance in relationships_the ‘share-ware’ position

Inclusive emotions are what the right sort of yoga promotes and even fragrances aren’t far behind as one cannot really do much with being sensual when you are alone. The oriental fragrance segment is all about appropriate combinations with florals and other fragrances and invariably has a sort of mysteriousness perpetually surrounding them. Oriental fragrances symbolise shared stances and this is precisely what makes them utterly seductive. Well, intellectually and intuitively seductive, almost what brands like Guerlain Shalimar and Yves Saint Laurent Opium represent.

What more?

Relationships are imbued with ethereal fragrances when fitness is pursued. This is why bringing in yoga leads to a pragmatic build-up of fragrant relationships. Even God, the omnipresent, omnipotent, and omniscient mixologist will agree to this.






This post is published for #OpenNTalk Blogger’s League hosted by Gleefulblogger & Wigglingpen in association with SummerBarnVedantika HerbalsNyassaExplore Kids World.




Our group of 5 bloggers goes by the hashtag #NISSATalks and have decided to present five different perspectives to a single topic with a unique hashtag each week. For week 03 our hashtag is #FragrancesInRelationships and you can also read what the others in the group wrote:

Ishieta wrote: Click here
Sudha wrote: Click here
Nupur wrote: Click here
Silja wrote: Click here
Arvind wrote: That’s me, silly!



Arvind Passey
22 June 2018