This word is busy
Everyone is out to reclaim something
But footpaths are left to wonder
As everyone from motorcyclists
To autos and even cars
Driver over them
Scaring the pedestrian
So will the pedestrian now
Come forward please
To reclaim footpaths?

The walls also wish
To reclaim a life
Why must they have the Gods
Trying to protect them from
Maverick pissers?
Even our laws wish to reclaim
Some respect
From the citizen as well as
The police
How else can they ensure anyone
A life that goes on without —
People dying by entering manholes
Without being given protective layers…
Or women left to themselves
Because one word was uttered thrice…
Or the corrupt devising new strategies
For accepting bribes…
Or greed in one or the other form
Aggressively fighting truth?

There is a lot left to reclaim
This word has a lot of work to do
And cannot really close its eyes
And wish everything rearranges itself
Into a paradise.




Reclaim_poem_Arvind Passey

Reclaim_poem_Arvind Passey




Arvind Passey
Written on 25 August 2017