Engineering courses in our country have time and again shown that brilliance lies in reaching out for the field that is most needed. I say this because none of the branches ever move out of the sights of aspirants for long… and so we have phases in which civil engineering and construction management shared the top spots with medical electronics and information technology. We have had metallurgy waltzing with mechanical and CS getting philosophical. With IoT and AI becoming the masters of contemporary buzzwords, computer science and information technology are back in the limelight and for a reason.

There are many who believe that computer engineers are the authors of the future itself. This tempts me to say that there is a bit of the maverick writer within a computer engineer. The writer sits in front of a blank screen and effectively uses imagination to create a matrix of scenes and dialogues that converge to tell some interesting story. This is exactly what a code-smitten computer engineer does – he creates a new world the boundary between technology and real life begins to get blurred. There are some who believe that we might be approaching a time when even human minds could be hackable and where machine learning and artificial intelligence could easily find its way into human thoughts and probably out-run and out-perform them. ‘Homo sapiens are going to evolve again,’ Yuval Noah Harari said, ‘Technology is taking us there and technology is evolving much faster than we are.’

It is the dynamic and persistently inquisitive nature of computer engineers and IT specialists that make me remark that AI and the fourth industrial revolution are definitely going to have a lasting impact. I’d agree with Yann LeCun when he wrote that ‘Our intelligence is what makes us human, and AI is an extension of that quality.’ Thus with the evolution of newer technologies like Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Robotics, and IoT, the scope of computer science engineering has grown in leaps and bounds. Global data-processing systems are getting information-laden and are poised to be the source of all meaning, perspectives, and outcomes.

Quite obviously we are living in exciting times. If you think that computer engineers have a bright future ahead only in software application with great software features, as analysts, and as data administrators, think again. As I have already said, these are the specialists who are poised to be thought leaders, idea incubators, and action generators. However abstract these terms may sound right now, the day isn’t far when lifetimes would exist as combinations of 0 and 1. However, all this may sound a bit outlandish today and tinged with a futuristic bravado perched dreamily over a giant tsunami of scientific imagination.

Remaining firmly grounded, one can easily say that a degree in computer engineering can get an aspirant varied roles and responsibilities connected to building, testing, and upgrading software and computer applications where their major tasks will include administering and testing databases of computer systems, implementing changes and rectifying errors in databases, safe-guarding information by applying safety measures, and backing up and maintaining the data of the website among other responsibilities.

If you are passionate about fixing those codes, then the field of computer science is as attractive as the word attractive. Many top institutes and universities are offering both graduation and advanced degrees in Computer Engineering. UPES (University of Petroleum and Energy Studies) is one of the leading universities offering more than 30 specializations in the engineering sector including ‘Computer Science Engineering.’ The university has world leaders and provides expert guidance to all its students with placement opportunities by top MNCs in the sector. If you wish to apply you definitely need to visit the UPES official website.




Computer Science at UPES is what aspirants need to explore
Computer Science at UPES is what aspirants need to explore




Arvind Passey
02 April 2019