The magic in our lives
You told me what magic was
I listened, nodded, and believed
Everything from a stone spear
To this 200 gram smartphone
Was nothing short of magic
And without caring a bit, continued
Fractious arguments in virtual space.

You said the way fashion evolved
And travel became easier
Was as much magical as cities
That were turned into smart entities.
Yes, I answered, yes, yes, and yes
But allowed my arguments
To become more and more irascible.

You convinced me that education
And skills could energize life
And that reading and listening too
Were just as magical as anything else.
I went on mesmerizing journeys
And yet returned everytime
To snap at people, sometimes for no reason.

Then one day I looked at the rising sun
And a word linked itself to the moment.
That word pulled out that moment
Even at night and I murmured: Magic!
I had stumbled upon the real magic — words.
Words read.  Words spoken. Words heard.
Yes, words create the world that we desire.




The magic in our lives - poem
The magic in our lives – poem



Arvind Passey
Written on 06 February 2020