The prosaic world of the poetry of doing nothing

It surprises me to find everyone doing so much. The social media tells me that everyone is reading, writing, exercising, cooking, knitting, dancing, singing, sewing, sharing photographs, drawing, sketching… or even spending hours updating status in ways that makes everyone envious. Or trolling, arguing, being logical or outright illogical, or even fidgiting through the internet. And yes, everyone is also pestering everyone else to tell them more ways to remain busy during this lockdown. In short, mundane moments rule.

Have you tried doing nothing?

Yes, that’s what I said.

Doing nothing.

Have you tried doing nothing?

This is an art-form that you need to practice. It is not difficult. You just sit and do nothing. Think nothing. Utter nothing. Focus on nothing. You don’t allow urges to rise and bully you. You don’t encourage conversations even with plans for the future. No hissing at unpleasant thoughts and no rude gestures flung to surprise and shock. No smiles because even that means there are seductive thoughts trickling in. No tricking your resolve to do nothing.

There will still be a billion devious devilish ways popping up to wage a war to vanquish this simple wish to do nothing. All you have is you. No one else can help. You neither have to rise up to anything nor fall to submit. You know you have made a beginning if you recognize the art of doing nothing as the most powerful warrior that can help you transcend tbe mundane.




The prosaic world of the poetry of doing nothing
The prosaic world of the poetry of doing nothing




Arvind Passey

Written on 05 May 2020