One thought and one resolve,
One way ahead. One destination.
Families and organisations evolve
And so does a nation.
The language and the grammar
The art and the science
Of relationships together must stir
Forms of defiance into reliance.

Call this a marriage or companionship
A target, objective, or goal
Or a function in a championship —
Or if you must, eyes needing kohl.
Diverse slogans, chants and words
Or differing religions and regions
Reach nowhere being unruly herds
Or relentlessly shitting pigeons.

Being one may sound prosaic
But can never be aimlessly unjust
Nor be a design flaw in mosaic.
What love needs is a thrust of trust.
And I call ‘being one’ a marriage
Of sempiternal diversity
Or maybe that metaphorical carriage
That tows away adversity.




Being one - poem - written on 02 December 2020
Being one – poem – written on 02 December 2020




Arvind Passey
Written on 02 December 2020