Technology and fitness in rhyming tweets

From calories burnt to pulse & heart-beats, from plans & records to advisory sheets, we have with us now our wonderful tech beats! Technology and fitness are wrapped around each other for now…

Gadgets help, gadgets remind, they connect
Gadgets push, gadgets pull, they protect!

Gadgets remind us when we forget to go
Or for a workout are feeling too low

Technology is a push and a pull as well
Use it and your fitness will be on a swell

We know only we can be our own inspiration
A tech push raises our level of aspiration

Apps on my smartphone count steps and pace
And distance and time making fitness a race!

When fitness falters, we share and ask
This too is a fitness technology task!

Fitness is a band that doesn’t raise decibels
But inside it a strategy and a plan dwells!




Fitness rhymes with technology

Fitness rhymes with technology




Arvind Passey
Written on 27 January 2017