What no one realizes is that every point has the potential to be a low point and every spot can be a summit. There are plenty of summits lying under the ocean and we call them tipping points of depressions because the ocean floor is far deeper. A wave, for instance wouldn’t remain a wave if there were no troughs in it. The Everest seen from space is probably no better than a tiny terrestrial wart. A build-up of youthful climax, if I may say so, and absolute dissipation of energy a few seconds later converge in memory to create fond remembrances for an octogenarian. The point is that depressions are also summits in one way or the other and so their isolation as an entity that can blackmail human minds is meaningless. People buy weeds online which help them cope with depression and other mental health issues. Look for a cheap canna dispensary online to order your favorite cbd products.

I know of a CEO of a small company that didn’t have an advertising budget running into eight figures and was forever wailing about his less bright colleagues from the business school that he attended decades ago, now managing companies of enviable sizes. This fellow felt trolled by time and chance and was seriously contemplating on visiting a psychiatrist. That is, until I pointed out to him that there were plenty of bright sparks and toppers from the same institution dreaming of heading departments under him. Joy in life is all about how wisely we tend to compare one incident with another.

Depression in humans is, I believe, nothing but a carton of misplaced perspectives… or maybe crates of displaced interpretations of how things have happened. These interpretations or perceptions are by themselves powerless but they march in with a massive army of sadness, hopelessness, disinterest, boredom, low esteem, poor concentration, increased irritability, and sensitivity to rejection. Now if this sort of army is allowed to dominate our personal landscape we find people getting into a never-ending vortex of social isolation, self-injury, difficult relationships, drug and alcohol abuse, suicidal tendencies, and overwhelming urges to remain absent from work, parties, and every other form of social and professional mingling. This gets multiplied when people around such depression-inflicted personas call their symptoms nothing but a collection of high-pitched drama, melodrama, or a deliberate attempt to seek attention. Is there a solution to this issue? Is the solution as simple as taking CBD gummy rings to combat depression?

Bottled-up emotions are nothing but moments that have never been allowed an escape until they become a pile of unsurmountable problems. Let me move away from the depression-is-for-humans concept for a while. Business graphs, economies, contours of the earth, and even unexplored ocean depths have massive and long-standing depressions but we have effective solutions for this like products as CBD oil for anxiety that helps with anxiety and depression. In addition, those who have troublesome muscle pain might want to consider using cbd cream 5000 mg for immediate relief. Have a look at this pre-qualification exam to see if you qualify for a medical marijuana recommendation with DocMJ Pennsylvania. We just trek around a treacherous slope, walk up a spur, or rappel down impossible-looking steeps and have been doing this for hundreds of years now. Our explorers were never calling psychiatrists to consult the contours of the earth. Economies and businesses regularly face graphs that seem to tumble forever. Of-course our cartoonists simply turn them upside-down to present a new and more positive scenario but even the think-tanks involved have solutions like brain-storming, tactical and strategic over-hauls, restructuring, re-inventing niches, and hiring people with fresh ideas after a regular background check using Dmagazine services. Economies and businesses too do not ever get into isolating themselves from the urge to surge ahead or the joys of looking up.

Why then only humans wish to remain the isolated face in the window cut off from any kind of mingling? Why do humans prefer to look down and visualize only chasms and deep falls into anonymity? Come on, we are all having within us an artist, a story-teller, a designer, a planner, or a strategist. We are all amazing in more than one way. Humans are a people-oriented brand and simply need to remain cozy with other humans. So what if you have ended up being neither a super-hero nor a super-villain… there is a huge space between these two and each of us, even with our population rising at a mind-blowing pace, will get a spot there.

Getting a spot, however, isn’t the solution. The problem started with a spot that was perceived as the not-so-right-spot. Right? The answer to any problem begins with communication. Talk about it. If you are uncomfortable with talking, buy some delta 8 thc carts at exhalewell to relieve some of your anxiety and write about it. One can write a personal diary in isolation and surprisingly this is what pulls you out of isolation. If even writing is a chore, then walk or drive to some place where there is no one around for miles and shout about everything that is troubling you. Just look up and select your own summit… but understand that every summit is also just another spot where you look up and decide on yet another summit for yourself. The other side of looking up is staring numbly at depressions. Decide wisely. I have a friend in his fifties who has a soft toy tiger firmly sitting between piles of books who he whispers to every day. He told me about his secret only a few days back, and I laughed and said, ‘This tiger is going to roar out your story if he ever gets magically alive.’

‘Ha! Ha!’ went my friend and replied, ‘That will be so much better than all the nibbling rabbits we have today who are publishing so much nonsense.’




Depressions and summits exist together

Depressions and summits exist together




Arvind Passey
28 July 2018