Don’t ever think you are not being watched. Even when you think there is no one around and you are surrounded by silence. Even when it is dark and nothing is visible. Even when there are people around busy doing their work. Eyes don’t walk and even when they shift their glance they do it noiselessly.

The other day I was sitting in my study and staring at the blank laptop screen and this thought suddenly popped in my head: How funny you must be looking to anyone watching you. You are staring at a blank screen with just one word typed on it: Title. That’s it. Nothing else. For nearly half an hour… and that is a long time if it is evening and I am waiting for Specky, my wife to come back from her college.

Such thought pop up often. Like when I am alone in the kitchen in the afternoon and planning to fry an egg, I suddenly felt someone was watching.

There was no one around. I was alone at home.

‘Is it ghosts?’ I thought to myself, ‘Are all my ancestors floating around somewhere above my head and watching everything I was doing. It was tempting to look up and smile… even ghosts feel better if we smile at them, I thought… and then give the best performance that I was capable of giving in the kitchen.

What if the entire universe is a mere lab experiment for some malevolent being and we are all under constant observation? What if everything we know to be inanimate has some form of life? Will we then have even the mirror in the changing room seeing us and laughing at all the ungainly bulges?

It is uncanny but I sometimes feel that every time an artist draws an eye, he is creating another passageway that enables aliens from planets far, far away to look at us in all our intimate moments. For that matter, every time I write the word ‘eye’ I am probably doing the same. If you say there is no way to prove the validity of what I am saying, we also don’t have any way of disproving all this as well.

Has it never happened with you that you are standing or walking or talking or reading and have this premonition that you are being watched? You turn around and find there is no one there. No one waves or beckons or runs toward you. No one acknowledges that you were being noticed. Doesn’t this happen even when you are inside your home where even the curtains are drawn and there is no way someone from another house across the street can coincidentally be standing and looking in your direction?

It is true that we are being watched. All the time. And so I decided to click a few of the eyes around my home. I used the new smartphone from Mobiistar to do this and the results are being shared here. No, I am not going to tell you anything more about this phone… you will need to wait until I use it for some more time and then decide to write a review.

For now, just browse through the pictures of some of the eyes that are hanging on the walls of my home or are placed elsewhere. Do you see anything uncanny in them? If yes, share your concerns with me by commenting in the section just below this post.


Note: You can read my review of Mobiistar X1 Notch here.



Eyes around my home_shot on Mobiistar_African Tribal Mask

Eyes around my home_shot on Mobiistar_African Tribal Mask


Eyes around my home_shot on Mobiistar_Buddha from Nepal

Eyes around my home_shot on Mobiistar_Buddha from Nepal


Eyes around my home_shot on Mobiistar_Demon

Eyes around my home_shot on Mobiistar_Demon


Eyes around my home_shot on Mobiistar_Ganesha in Wood

Eyes around my home_shot on Mobiistar_Ganesha in Wood


Eyes around my home_shot on Mobiistar_Garuda

Eyes around my home_shot on Mobiistar_Garuda


Eyes around my home_shot on Mobiistar_happy mug

Eyes around my home_shot on Mobiistar_happy mug


Eyes around my home_shot on Mobiistar_Koala

Eyes around my home_shot on Mobiistar_Koala


Eyes around my home_shot on Mobiistar_Ganesha

Eyes around my home_shot on Mobiistar_Ganesha


Eyes around my home_shot on Mobiistar_papier mache cow

Eyes around my home_shot on Mobiistar_papier mache cow


Eyes around my home_shot on Mobiistar_Ravana

Eyes around my home_shot on Mobiistar_Ravana


Eyes around my home_shot on Mobiistar_Tech Mascot

Eyes around my home_shot on Mobiistar_Tech Mascot


Eyes around my home_shot on Mobiistar_Thai Mask

Eyes around my home_shot on Mobiistar_Thai Mask


Eyes around my home_shot on Mobiistar_Tibetan Demon

Eyes around my home_shot on Mobiistar_Tibetan Demon


Eyes around my home_shot on Mobiistar_Venetian Mask

Eyes around my home_shot on Mobiistar_Venetian Mask


Eyes around my home_shot on Mobiistar_Thai Mask Female

Eyes around my home_shot on Mobiistar_Thai Mask Female




Arvind Passey
10 January 2019