A story called Irrfan
A story within a story
Surprising layers and
Layered surprises,
A balance between
Hollywood and Bollywood,
Engaging emotions and
Empathizing with intellects.
A story resisting tags
That prop reality on
Alchemized happiness
Yet entertaining people
In ways that demand attention.
A story that went around
With a heart of poetry,
Reached out, spread within
And swept across borders.
The final word to this story
Has found its way into
Other stories
And lives on.




29 April 2020 - A story called Irfan - digital sketch drawn by Arvind Passey - poem
29 April 2020 – A story called Irrfan – digital sketch drawn by Arvind Passey – poem




Arvind Passey
Written on 29 April 2020