The 10th of July is celebrated as the PT founding day. Anniversary celebrations are conducted at every centre across India.

This once-in-a-year mega event is organised every year to celebrate the movement called PT. All the prominent educationists, principals, TPOs and other members of PT celebrate this mega event with pride and enthusiasm.

Cultural activities are organised and gifts are distributed to all staff members.

Wouldn’t want to sound sermonizing, but the value of accomplishment is in the accomplishing. The reward is not so much in what you obtain as in the person you become in the process of obtaining it. At PT, it is not just accomplishing tasks with gusto but also celebrating successes with aplomb that wins hearts!

No matter how difficult the journey may be, it makes all the difference in the world when that journey is leading to a destination you have chosen. By setting your sights upon where you intend to be and by committing yourself to following that path, you immediately add value to life.

Though at first you may wish you could reach the goal without having to work your way past the challenges, you’ll soon realize that such a thing would be worthless. For it is precisely the value you put into any accomplishment that gives it value to you.
Even during the PT anniversary celebrations, all PTzen decide to make the most of every opportunity to give their best effort to life. And that is the reason why PTzen find themselves surrounded by real, lasting value.

‘Kar ke Dikheyenge!’ are not just three words
but are the gist of the EQ
that flows in the neurons
of every PTzen!
‘Karte Rahe Hain!’
and ‘Karte Rahenge!’
are the subalterns that swim along
creating the right stimuli
for growth.

There is a lovely poem written by a PT student in July 2006, that captures the essence of the PT spirit:

Some 10 long years back,
He opened the window a tiny crack.
A garage in this case,
Had become the premier phase.
Of an institute, that a decade from then,
Would become the students’ den.
Would be such an educational hub,
That would evolve full-grown CATS from many a cub.

Professional Tutorials, it is baptized,
Rightly so, it is dearly prized.
By us, the body of students,
As well as the prudents.

Its mission is manifest,
To soar our wits and senses to the crest.
In doing so it has left no stone unturned,
And so, our faith it has deserved and earned.

While other institutes have strived and tried,
PT gives them an unnerving fright.
For all they work for is money and profit,
While only students’ success falls in PT’s ambit.

There are certain qualities that need special mention,
It ensures discipline and decorum with utmost precision.
It makes English a piece of cake,
And the pain of learning Math, it can slake.
Most importantly it is prompt as a squirrel,
The celerity of the organization is admirable.
PT’s a beautifully knit family,
Where each unit reinforces the other quite amply.

Every alternate, I’m ready at four.
To learn, cruise, enjoy and more.
I have got so used to the PT atmosphere,
To part with it, will be my grave fear.
And then, once in a while that extra dose.
Is imperative to keep us on toes.
The kind of guidance that is being given there,
Students will surely clear CAT, it’s only fair.

But there are issues that I’d lampoon,
That can be dealt with and pruned.
They are finicky with timeliness,
Which was ok, till I was penalized for my tardiness.
They need to understand there’s always a first time,
And that there are fiercer crimes.

Also I’ve retained very little in my vocab fist,
Hence, I’ve concluded, one can’t cram lists.
Reading good books is all that can help,
So better English lessons can come instead.

There are other DVD based sessions,
That lead not only to repetition,
But also lack significant interaction.

But having said all this,
An important point I have missed.
The very same things that have drawn my flak,
The tensions, of others, they have slacked.
And put on track, the ones who’re lost,
The whims and fancies of people like me are the only cost.
For example, it’s only through DVD
The best of the best faculty through the country we get to see.
And this need to always be on time
Has taught us, a stitch in time saves nine.

Now PT has broken fresh ground.
With CAT and MAT toppers it abounds.
It is constantly innovating and evolving,
With each new step, more efficient it is becoming.
It has made learning an enjoyable voyage.
I pay it, on behalf of the students a heartfelt homage.

The height that PT has scaled.
Is tangible, real and not fake.
It is merely 13 years old.
But has treaded tough and grueling paths worth years manifold.
In its making has gone a lot of blood and sweat.
And for all of this, I will forever be in its debt.

[Arvind Passey]