No forest is ever without a way
Shrubs and fallen leaves may hide
Low boughs may make you look away
Yet they are there, sometimes wide.
Why yearn for wings to fly above
What seems to be a push or shove?

I lift the veil to see the way
No need to saw, break or throw
Or crush, burn, spurn, or slay
When all I need is to know
A better way to find a way
Out and away from moody gray.

See the ant who never despairs
Feel the breeze drifting through
A passage that it wilfully shares
And a million lives that don’t go ‘phew!’
You will then know that paths exist
That never show up on any list.




Looking for a better way to find a way - poem - 09 Feb 2022 - Arvind Passey
Looking for a better way to find a way – poem – 09 Feb 2022 – Arvind Passey




Arvind Passey
09 February 2022