No, I’m not angry with anyone, nor reading this post is going to make you angry. Yes, you’ll certainly be left a bit smarter if you don’t smart at the idea of using those specialised grey cells in your brain that are used to solve crosswords. Yes, this is a crossword indeed and it will tell you if yu’re really in love with this game that millions of fans all over the world have already downloaded and are merrily playing on their tabs, phones, PCs and even their Apples…

So guys, I’ve created this crossword here for the fans of Angry Birds Space… and all you need to do is print the page and start solving. Simple! The clues are also given… and if you’re in a hurry, the answers too are there — just go on and select the ‘blank’ portion before each clues and the answer shall appear!

But before you begin solving the crossword, let me share with the wonderful information that Samsung Galaxy users are eligible to get an additional ‘Danger Zone’ that has been included in this version of the game. The Danger Zone includes a special package of 30 challenging levels (generally available as an in-app purchase). However, this is available free to all Samsung Galaxy users from the Samsung Apps store and the Android Market for the next 3 months. It is available since March 22 and Galaxy users can enjoy the game for free for three months.

Other interesting link:

Teaser    |    NASA Announcement    |    Lazer Bird Video    |    Game Demo    |    Download link

Angry Birds Space Crossword_final

Angry Birds Space Crossword_final



3.     ENEMY—In this game Pigs are your…? (5)

4.     SPLIT—Some birds do this and become three! (5)

6.     ROVIO—The maker of Angry Birds. (5)

12.   ASTEROIDS—Be careful of them during your space launches! (9)

14.   GALAXY—This is awesome in space… and sometimes in your hands! (6)

17.   ANGLE—The first rule to keep in mind in this game. (5)

19.   DOWNLOAD—The easiest way to get this game. (8)

22.   ANGRYBIRD—A game from Rovio. (5,4)

25.   ORBIT—The path the bird takes around the planet. (5)

27.   WORLDWIDE—Which countries is this game available in? (9)

28.   SPACE—Where are the Angry Birds  active now? (5)

29.   SLINGSHOT—The bird launches itself as this… (9)

30.   NO—Can the game be downloaded free? (2)

31.   EXPLODE—Some Angry Birds do this to shatter obstacles. (7)


1.     PHYSICS—Some knowledge of this subject can help you help the birds strike well. (7)

2.     ANDROID—The platform where you can also play Angry Birds Space. (7)

5.     PIGBANG—The first stage of the game. (3,4)

7.     INTELLIGENT—What will Samsung Galaxy users be called as they can download this game for free for now? (11)

8.     OXYGENBUBBLES—Masks from the future that some undignified swines get! (13)

9.     GRAVITY—The force that pulls it towards the planet surface. (7)

10.   KOREA—The country of origin of the company that gave us the Galaxy! (5)

11.   MILLIONS—How many have already downloaded this game? (8)

13.   SMART—Another term for those who buy Samsung Galaxy phones. (5)

15.   YES—Can you play this game on Apple, PC, and Mac too? (3)

16.   COLDCUTS—The second stage of the game. (4,4)

18.   PIGS—The main targets, as usual, for the angry birds. (4)

20.   DIVEBOMB—Some Angry Birds have this fanciful trait. (4,4)

21.   DANGERZONE—The special stage sponsored by Samsung for its Galaxy users. (6,4)

23.   FOE—Another term for enemy. (3)

24.   TIMING—The second rule to keep in mind in this game. (6)

26.   SAMSUNG—The company that sponsored a whole new stage! (7)


Arvind Passey
29 March 2012