Twitter does let your thoughts walk on in directions that are not just strange but totally bizarre. Take this afternoon… I just happened to stumble upon a twitter contest sponsored by L’Oréal Paris India @LOrealParisIn and one had to tweet with the hashtag #InstantfashionFix.

I just jumped into the fray to see if I could actually end up writing a few tweets on a subject that I know absolutely nothing about. There were all these gorgeous female tweeps going on and on and on about everything from stilettoes to hair buns, from red mascara to fruity lips… well, did it make me nervous? No. On the contrary, I let my mind think as it always does and sent in these tweets:

#InstantfashionFix Splash water over your face and clothes and pretend you’re just rushing in from a top secret assignment! 

#InstantfashionFix My favourite Bleu de Chanel… 

#InstantfashionFix Sun-shades that don’t make you look like a villain just stepping out of a film studio! 

#InstantfashionFix A messy I’m-in-deep-thoughts-about-complex-problems-that-you’ll-never-understand look! 

#InstantfashionFix For women: Short hair, like mine, again!

#InstantfashionFix For males: Short hair, like mine.

#InstantfashionFix Be ‘comfortably’ old fashioned than being ‘uncomfortably’ seeped into styles that u don’t understand. 

#InstantfashionFix Say ‘sorry’ when u brush ur lips against a stranger’s shirt & put him in a potentially volatile situation. 

#InstantfashionFix Win L’Oréal Paris cosmetics to gift them to your wife… you’ll be -in vogue’ for a long time. 

#InstantfashionFix Be what you’re NOT is the recipe for a disaster! Deflect the temptation as soon as it hits you. 

#InstantfashionFix Just being yourself is the best fix I’ve ever come across… try & be someone else and you’re dead! 

#InstantfashionFix An intensely piercing look… makes others search for flaws on their own selves! LOL. Saves me every time. 

#InstantfashionFix A wet tongue sweep over my dry lips is enough to bring back the shine on my smile. 

#InstantfashionFix Give a quizzically philosophical look… a gentle tousle of my hair… and I’m back in circulation! 

#InstantfashionFix Just smile confidently.

So was anyone there in the virtual world of twitter really surprised to see a male tweet on about these instant fashion fixes? As yet I have no idea except that a few of my tweets were re-tweeted by a few of the women participants.

However, what I loved getting out of these few minutes of participation is this blog post and the fact that the creative diversion was simply charming! I’m sure my instant fashion fixes are simply practical and any day better than inane suggestions on black glitter on red nail paint or some such funny solution. I do believe that the best fashion fix is to ooze with confidence and an informed involvement with whatever it is that you happen to be doing.

The #InstantFashionFix twitter contest page...

The #InstantFashionFix twitter contest page…

Arvind Passey
09 January 2013