Sarve bhavantu sukhina,sarve santu niramayah !
Sarve bhadradi pashyantu,maa kashchid dukh bhag bhavatu !!

Every student must remember that refining the educated self is the greatest pleasure and is one that stays for a long time. Thus the definition of pleasure has changed dramatically. When we are not delighted with situations that hold great importance in our lives, we must analyze the reason. In simple terms, the reason could be as clear as our not comprehending the importance that has to be attached to depth in education.

We experience discontent in our personal and professional lives mainly due to a tendency to be attracted towards shallow learning. Our expectations from the results then are not fulfilled and we get into the vortex of anxiety.

Educating ourselves is not simply being with some course books or always focused on clearing some examination hurdle. Education is informed learning that gives thoughts an analytical edge. For instance, a lot of youngsters today can be seen with mobile phones in their hands but how many are aware of all the functions and are able to optimally use the gadget that will make them technologically savvy? Purchasing a high-end gadget is not what makes one stand out… it is the ability to understand and use the functions that separates the educated from the shallow! Those who know the intricacies and the fathomed-pleasures of the wizardry that they hold will understand and excel in mere academics too! Pleasure is really as simple as this.

Let us now see how pleasure can be introduced into the daily chore of serious education:
1.    Stop encouraging limits to exploring books and knowledge.
2.    Come out of the illusion that you know everything.
3.    ‘Less is more’ does not combine education and pleasure.
4.    View every printed word as a trigger to pleasure.

Another vital aspect to understand is that pleasure is associated with the process of education and any result that comes off this is a joy! You must start each day with the conviction that pleasure and education travel together!!

[Arvind Passey]
Written for PT Education