The frog, they say,
Leaps all the way
And all the time.
What if he’s sleepy today?
We see a sleeping frog and say
What happened to your leaping way?
‘Tired?’ I ask
‘Tired?’ he says, ‘No, I’m wired today!’
I hear him with some dismay
I see him go the techno way
I know I’ll miss the frog
That leaped all the way, all the day!
Arvind Passey
22 July 2015
Bushra Muzaffar says:
Jul 30, 2015
Great one on a tech-savvy froggy 🙂
All (!almost) the daddus (kiddos) have stopped leaping as they are now wired :/
Arvind Passey says:
Aug 5, 2015
Nice to read that you liked the poem, Bushra… 🙂
Yes, technology is changing us a lot… in so many different ways.