Author Archive
The Increasing Importance of Business Analytics in the Modern World

The Increasing Importance of Business Analytics in the Modern World

Analytics is the new religion in the world of job opportunities today. Some insist on using the phrase ‘data analytics’ but the fact remains that without reasonably sound analytics, a company remains vulnerable, specially if it is not protecting its data how it should be (you can learn more about Venyu and learn why data...
Hear me out, cancer cells

Hear me out, cancer cells

It’s the job of cancer cells to multiply I grant them their rightful high It’s their job to inflict pain I grant them this, though with disdain. But let the mind remain fighting fit Don’t let our thoughts be torpedoed, hit Cancer cells, spare the mind And we’ll weed you out bit by bit. ....
The secrets we keep

The secrets we keep

Writers love the word why As they know very well that Life without secrets is a lie Readers like pages that reveal The strange and the unknown One by one, like onions to peel And tales that wear mystery Like a shawl or even a mask Carry with them the secret key That one mind...
Even God must be in love with thrillers

Even God must be in love with thrillers

Those times when the heart Does the hop, skip, and jump Over chasms where the possibility Includes lava flowing incessantly But there isn’t a single clue around No hisses, no fumes, no heat waves Not even birds giving the game away By their indecision and silence. It is as if God was reading a thriller...
On Reading

On Reading

A whisper-laden stroll Adrenalin push in the dark Conversation with a mole Flying kiss for a lark… Reading is more than this And those who give it a miss Wouldn’t know that infinity Is a word-filled city! . . . . . . Arvind PasseyWritten on 25 April 2019
Radio is the theatre of the mind

Radio is the theatre of the mind

If any of you thought radio was only for driving on packed highways or it was just a lot of words without the boxing gloves of statistics or that only preaching happened there, you are probably the sort who has never listened to ‘Mann ki baat’ by Narendra Modi, the PM of India. Ira Glass...
The mimicry of passion

The mimicry of passion

If one were to believe the updates on the social media, the speeches of politicians, and the jokes of stand-up comedians, the world today is one massive tidal wave of passion. Passion has suddenly transformed into some sort of a uniform that everyone is racing to beg, borrow, steal, or buy because wearing it makes...
Notre-Dame Cathedral in 2014

Notre-Dame Cathedral in 2014

The small quaint stores in the area where one walks past Sainte Chapelle and Palais de Justice to reach the Notre-Dame cathedral are forever busy selling intricate symbols of religious mythology. We found these figurines of everyone from apostles to demons and forever alert gargoyles and decided to walk fast as we had already spent...
Cancer and the cult of alternative treatment

Cancer and the cult of alternative treatment

Ayurveda, in simple terms is about learning how to cleanse our tissues, organs and mind. Vannoy Gentles Fite writes that ‘for every illness or ailment known to man, God has a plant out here that will heal it. We just need to keep discovering the properties for natural healing.’ The book ‘Natural solutions for cancer’...
The learners are missing

The learners are missing

The basic problem today is that everyone searches for a teacher. There are people who want someone to teach them how to write, how to invest, how to paint or draw or sketch, how to read faster, how to overcome fear or even how to think logically. These people assume that some teacher will magically...
A new dimension to relevance in education

A new dimension to relevance in education

Just as the job market has a fair share of those in the wrong jobs, the adapters, and the intuitive skill enhancers and the financial world is full of spenders, savers and wealth creators, the world of education too has its own share of drop-outs, degree hunters, and learners. These categories may not reflect the...
Let Holmes and Watson teach you

Let Holmes and Watson teach you

Books are magical. Every book has something to tell me and I am hardly the sort who will snootily say, ‘No, no, this one isn’t for me.’ This, however, doesn’t mean that I will keep reading only politically-motivated non-fiction that every politician and every retired bureaucrat seems to be eager to push… or keep picking...