Author Archive
Yuho! The new battle-cry for intelligent smartphone buyers

Yuho! The new battle-cry for intelligent smartphone buyers

A few days back I entered a store selling smartphones and in the thirty odd minutes that I was there choosing a cover for my phone, I discovered a strange fact. Not one person walked out with any of the expensive variants and this includes those by known brands like Samsung and Apple. Most of...
Board exams… super tips for success

Board exams… super tips for success

When I was a cadet at the Indian Military Academy, one of the first things we were told by our seniors was a sentence that Richard Marcinko wrote: The more you sweat in training, the less you bleed in war. This one sentence has remained in my mind even long after my relationship with OG...
Holy cow! Why in the world will we want to move away from traditions?

Holy cow! Why in the world will we want to move away from traditions?

Jarping. Songkran. Ruzzola. Namaste. This post is about understanding traditions and why need a contemporary make-over.
How a BBA in Tourism and Hospitality Management opens new career options

How a BBA in Tourism and Hospitality Management opens new career options

Every career begins with passion. This is true of travel and tourism as well. The pages of newspapers, programs on the television, articles posted on blogs, and the thousands of updates on the social media are enough to tell us that travel is no longer limited to a few. However, not every person who travels...
Top 5 Construction Management Institutes in India

Top 5 Construction Management Institutes in India

According to a recent study by KPMG, the urban population is expected to grow to almost 583 million by 2030. This simply points to infrastructure development and the way resources (such as land, technology, and funds) would be required in the development of the nation in the coming decades. Finding the right professionals can make...
Reading a thriller

Reading a thriller

Reading a thriller_short poem


Love isn’t an orangeThat one peels to revealLove isn’t a game of cardsThat one needs to dealLove isn’t a fabricThat one needs to feelLove isn’t a doctorThat one calls to healLove isn’t a documentThat one needs to seal Love remains a wordOr a set of words untilThe heart, the mindAnd the body is stillAnd ready...
Pushkin makes a calendar all by himself

Pushkin makes a calendar all by himself

When someone in these smartphone-infested days sends me a message saying that parenting is for a MOM, I am tempted to write back LOL. These modern day acronyms have a way of seeking revenge, you see. But seriously, a parent isn’t just MOM but has a PAPA too… and this isn’t the same as HAHA....
Kisses don't converse

Kisses don’t converse

Kisses don't converse. Poem written on 25 November 2017
When love is around

When love is around

When love is around. Poem written on 26 November 2017.
Comedy, creativity, and green tea

Comedy, creativity, and green tea

Comedy, creativity, and green tea. Read this post to know the secrets of a super boost in creativity. #SuperBloggerChallenge #Instacuppa
Travel without hurry to discover life

Travel without hurry to discover life

Travel without hurry to discover life. #Indispire #Indiblogger