Author Archive
Losing weight with the right syllables

Losing weight with the right syllables

I am hungry and all I see around me are temptations. Monsters in multiples stalk and ambush my vulnerabilities. Loaded with stun guns they fry my tired but yet resisting synapses – nerve cells that frantically message me of impending attacks and targeted when even their safe houses are demolished. But I have built my...
The roadmap on fingertips

The roadmap on fingertips

I know what cities look like to birdsFlying higher than imagination.Little somethings exploringThe apogee and perigee of the notionOf a circular or really not so circularPerimeter linked to parallel stretchesLaid out like thoughtful contoursWith occasional matchesTo excavation sites,Step-farmed spurs and ridges,Or erratically elliptical doodlesOn toddler friendly fridges. Every city roadmap looks familiarYet converses with different...
Hymns with a lethal beat

Hymns with a lethal beat

Nights need hymns but they get in loadsMumbling twists – silent stalking spars.Gangs of silent hunters on roadsSip life from dreams and scatter scars.Slayer chemistry then matchesUnfathomed dark depths of the nightFills their lives with joyous scratches,Giving them diabolic insight! The night speaks not a word to themAnd yet wants not what they can giveIt...
What are they talking about? Bhakt, bhakti, and brickbats

What are they talking about? Bhakt, bhakti, and brickbats

If you think you know what bhakti means, you obviously have no idea that someone on urban dictionary defines it as ‘the act of falling asleep or randomly leaving instant messenger without an away message and not returning for a few hours. The act of asking too my hypothetical questions’ and if you did that...
What are they talking about? Age, alcohol, and addiction

What are they talking about? Age, alcohol, and addiction

Age, alcohol, and addiction in a conversation these past few days has had a surprising entry: Rats. Yes, rats have been accused by SHO Inderpal Singh of Kotwali Dehat police station in UP as non-paying guzzlers of 1450 cartons of illicit liquor seized by them. When I searched the internet for similar cases, I was...
What are they talking about? Theme reveal for #BlogchatterA2Z for 2021

What are they talking about? Theme reveal for #BlogchatterA2Z for 2021

If one goes by what happens on the social media these days one walks away with the impression that everyone is ready to talk. Without wanting to hear anyone else out, of course. It is so much of yada-yada all over that no one is quite sure if it is informed views that one is...
Make in India is not always as great as it sounds

Make in India is not always as great as it sounds

Going beyond logic is fast becoming a national pastime. I mean, look at the way ordinances, legislations, regulations, prohibitions, lockdowns, and bans compete with protests, PILs, marches, chakka-jams, bandhs, rants on the social media platforms, and rallies. The list on both sides is much larger than what you read here and if I were to...
All writing is pigshit

All writing is pigshit

Note: This poem is inspired by the news about stand-up comedians, cartoonists, poets, and writers in jail.. Bits, chits, chunks, dunks, and bitesGrovels, howls, bursts, busts, and slightsEven vanity-stuffed insightsOr those with badges of rightsEnd up as pigshit. Pigs do not think twiceEven rhymes taste just as niceThey nibble gobble virtue and viceAlso ‘forwards’ rolled...
Where passion meets education

Where passion meets education

How many students in these past few decades in independent India use words line zest, excitement, energy, fervour, eagerness, enjoyment, delight, zeal, liveliness, vitality, vigour, and devotion for their teachers and their school days? I am one of those who will say yes, but when we look around and probe hard, the truth is that...
Baahubalis everywhere – left, right, and centre

Baahubalis everywhere – left, right, and centre

Baahubalis create stories, act in them, power them all, and sometimes live the stories in their story. This breed, so firmly entrenched in Indian politics for decades now, has completely over-hauled the way democracy interacts with the way social activism behaves, the directions that justice for those in need must adopt, and even the art...
There is only now

There is only now

Spiritual consciousness has no boundaries and there is no running away from past-life lessons. Outwitting the universe or manipulating our destiny do not have the answers that we need to be searching for because ‘instead of thinking of ways to escape the situation, it is better to face it gracefully, doing whatever we can’ and...
Woman – a thunderstorm with a touch of lightening

Woman – a thunderstorm with a touch of lightening

Women in India have a voice that is heard all over the world. Not that their silence went unheard because it was that deathly quiet that has probably given birth to movements like ‘beti bachhao, beti padhao’ and slogans like ‘Equal rights are not special rights‘, ‘Woman is the companion of man’, ‘Gifted with equal...