It’s always about imagination

It’s always about imagination

Imagination rules… Imagination scores… and imagination wins every time, without exception. You see, creation is a result of imagination… and so whenever I see a new gadget, device or even a car all I try to see is how well imagination has been used. Is it unusual? Are there elements of the unexpected? Let me...
A little more is a lot more

A little more is a lot more

  There are more than 3 crore Indians settled abroad but that isn’t more. It isn’t less as well but then only numbers are never more. This summer I was in London and stayed with my son and daughter-in-law… and the two months that we spent in London have made me revise the way I...
Smile Times

Smile Times

Celebrations and festivities are invariably under duress these days. These are cataclysmic times and a lot of people all over the world are suffering because of one reason or the other. But is remaining glum or serious or in darkness the only ways of showing solidarity with them? I mean, what they need is more...
Escaping health rules

Escaping health rules

When I was small I was always escaping health rules. ‘Don’t get up late. Going for steroids is unhealthy!’ my father always shouted… and I invariably went to sleep late as I was reading fiction, over-slept and was forever reaching school late and getting a massive moral lecture from my Principal every day. I kept...
Ghar redefined

Ghar redefined

Yes, there is nothing like celebrating Diwali at home. I still remember everything that happened when I was a school kid. ‘Leave your novel aside right now and come here,’ shouted mummy. I dropped the P G Wodehouse that I was reading and ran into the kitchen. The sight of freshly palmed besan ke laddoo...
I wouldn't want you to miss this...

I wouldn’t want you to miss this…

Yes, I wouldn’t want you to miss the opportunity to vote for my story-idea submitted for the indiblogger-HarperCollins short-story contest! Click on this link: Vote for Arvind Passey’s story (For those who don’t want to click on a link, you can copy this URL and paste on a new tab in your browser and then...
The Crossword on 'Internet is Fun'

The Crossword on ‘Internet is Fun’

Internet is fun — A crossword Clues Across Clues Down The Answers Come on now, you think I will give you the answers for this simple crossword? You are actually supposed to know all the answers… Just print the grid and start solving… I’m sure you will enjoy the crossword. You will then agree that...
I’m bikers not a gengster!

I’m bikers not a gengster!

I scoured the net to try and see if my search could give me a precise definition of a biker. I found not one but many tweets that hand-held me and lead me right to the centre of a biker’s mind and life. In fact, it is the text of one of these tweets that...
Moonlight Mile

Moonlight Mile

It had always been me and my bike and then one day it suddenly became my wife, our bike and I! I called her Specky… ah! No, not the bike, I mean my wife. The bike had no name but we loved it anyway. Specky gave bike riding a totally new meaning because she sat...
Badmash Company

Badmash Company

Trip: Jhansi – Babina. January 2011 Since my childhood I had been hearing a lot of stories of my father’s stay in Babina. This is a small town near Jhansi and is a major cantonment with a fair sprinkling of the Armoured Corps. I know this because I had a lot of friends in school...
Angry. Smart. Intelligent. Winner. Understand all four in this post.

Angry. Smart. Intelligent. Winner. Understand all four in this post.

No, I’m not angry with anyone, nor reading this post is going to make you angry. Yes, you’ll certainly be left a bit smarter if you don’t smart at the idea of using those specialised grey cells in your brain that are used to solve crosswords. Yes, this is a crossword indeed and it will...
Philanthropy and a passion for shopping

Philanthropy and a passion for shopping

No, my name isn’t Warren Buffet or Bill Gates. The Ambanis, Birlas, Tatas, and even my next door neighbour is far richer than me. When I go to the market, supermarket, or one of the many Malls, I get attracted to almost everything there and God only knows how I am able to restrain myself...