Poems 2007

Sycophancy infarcts!

Stars in my eyes Reflect surprise That smiles for miles and miles! My boss is THE BOSS Others go for a toss Inspite of all their guiles! This explosive gem Will simply lick ’em Speaks a lot for warring styles! This is the truth Though somewhat uncouth But helps you score on files! A warning,...

The birthday poem!

Words have in them to mesmerize When tied with smiles – it is a prize! Such warmth even when winter cold Comes after you to pester, scold. This team of smiling words can dream In whispers soft with not a scream. They also enter hearts and change Their way and ways and thus the range...

On Your Wedding Anniversary!

Open mind, a willing heart When together as one part Do form a bond that will go To add more speed to the flow Of partnerships that must last. Life and joy will then form vast Vistas of progressive bliss That may have all that and this! Such instances, trusty bits Always work like instant...

The ‘boss’ poem

In the house no cat and mouse We smile and laugh as one! Our days and years have had no tears And life has been just fun! Can any boss now win a toss? MY boss will make them run! [Arvind Passey] [2007]

3 Short Poems

-1- words burn through silence leaving a passage for future to tread and exclamations happily follow! *** -2- short poems, few words fly through the ages cross minds, pierce eyes until they all find one kiss to cage them. *** -3- it is not a touch not just a touch, not just a touch. it...

Building Blocks!

Small bits and bytes and pixels make What we may see or read and like And one by one as we will take Each little step will strengthen strike! A building block will do the same And add to what the town will say Though building blocks don’t carve a name The name survives if...

Eyes speak!

eyes speak more than words ever can eyes scan every tone, every streak eyes wonder, eyes can dream they say ‘yes’, they can ban! yours do. thats true. If you are looking for an online place to buy beautiful eyelash extensions, you can visit Hypnotica mink eyelashes. Unlike other online stores, Hypnotica only stocks the...

Poem – 4 liner

Give us, give all, give life a gift Make us mean all that life may mean YOU are the light, just you can lift All that dark is. Om . Allah. Amen. [Arvind Passey] [2007]


Words are like icebergs That don’t tell us much About the depth of thoughts And the little fishes That are caressing frozen bits And attempting to Bring them alive by Tingling sensations! Word are like icebergs That float on slowly Until warmth Makes them understand That they mean more When they merge With the vast...

An astronomer’s definition of relationships

time dictates every revolution every direction to make seasons and reasons! time dictates movements that give birth to moments that become immortal! time dictates the distances that demand spaces to contract or retract! or is it revolutions, movements, and spaces that allow themselves to rhyme with time? [Arvind Passey] [2007]

Crazy Kiya Re!

With only words a path is made And eyes are nowhere in the team Words also make the trees for shade And even rhymes to make us dream! Sirf words ne mujhe Crazy kiya re! Like a neuron connects within That makes the eyes beat like the heart Words too as neurons reach within You,...


A thought that flutters by From somewhere in the sky Brings a smile With no guile And floods my being with joy! [Arvind Passey] [2007]