Poems 2013
Twitter, Poetry, and Audi

Twitter, Poetry, and Audi

Poetry on twitter? Is poetry really possible in just 140 characters? Can you possibly write reasonably logical couplets if you need to make space for some hash-tag and probably for a longish twitter handle as well? A few days back I got this opportunity. Atwitter contest was organised by Audi (Twitter handle: @AudiIN ) and...
Every morning when we walk

Every morning when we walk

Every morning when we walk We walk without headphones in our ears We walk without our mobiles singing to us We walk neither faster than we can Nor slower than we should Every morning when we walk We sometimes talk Not about the crime in the country Nor about what will make the news today...
History of a Meet in rhymes

History of a Meet in rhymes

Life is a set of poems that come to us in little connected streams of moments… almost like the concept of ‘connected music’ that HP talked about in this Indiblogger-HP Connected Music Meet that happened in Hilton in Gurgaon. This post is a set of pictures and a set of short poems or rhymes that...
A book is so like me

A book is so like me

I never read any of my books completely Actually cannot, as I read many At the same time or just open One from a page that catches my fancy! Look, don’t think I’m a flirtatious reader Whose attention hovers over many covers Truth is that love to uncover The truth in the books that I...
I am fine. Blasts are far from where I am

I am fine. Blasts are far from where I am

Not shell-shocked. No splintered bones for me And I’m not on my way to the hospital I am fine. Blasts are far from where I am   I didn’t board the bus with drunk goons for company My intestines did not angrily coil around that rusted rod I am fine. The rapists are far from...
I am within me and everywhere

I am within me and everywhere

In a glance that doesn’t even brush past me Travelling all charged up And at a speed that only dreams can dream of A bit in a byte and a byte in a bit Going from one end of a thought to the other And not coming any nearer to the truth A pixel in...
An argument for mortal immortality

An argument for mortal immortality

I wonder if it is life that is moving Through my stationery body Or is it me stumbling and bumbling Like a drunk, through a life that is still And unmoving with every decision As meaningless as any other? Or are we like a photograph swept across Geographies and histories by the currents Of memories,...
When the poetry within us remains unwritten

When the poetry within us remains unwritten

‘Spring and catapult yourself out Of this prison,’ whispered a thought, ‘Go out And spring a surprise on spring! And the thought toyed with the spring In his hands, forgetting to spring And he still looks out of eyes That to us seem full of hope! Eyes Don’t hope or do anything else, because eyes...
You cannot always hear words

You cannot always hear words

When do you see words holding tight Each other in embrace to love? They silently come next to one To be the reason for a thought! Thus ‘man’ may wait for ‘smiled’ to come When ‘lovely’ and ‘woman’ come near Then stories can go gushing on With words, more words, going with the flow! Right...
A strange battle

A strange battle

“Open any book and you’ll find characters Popping out carrying their own set of words And sometimes you’ll wonder if it is words Alive because they are with some character Or is it the other way round?” I had said once. Words, some say, fill us with joy Or even sorrow at times With words...
The real fiction of mind-sets

The real fiction of mind-sets

Characters live in minds, they say And tethering us, they then spray The outside world with their own thoughts To have us all in unreal knots! They jump from inside books to be One with us, then we cease to see The truth as truth to us would be We see what they want us...
A Grand Galaxy?

A Grand Galaxy?

The galaxy isn’t just an enigma… it is a grand enigma. Something that towers above all else. Here is one short poem dedicated to the GRAND GALAXY… Stars twinkle and planets go about doing Whatever it is that they do best And some Galaxy majestically embraces them all Helping them shine and reach out To...