Edu Post
Of Indians, idiots, and this idiocy called corruption!

Of Indians, idiots, and this idiocy called corruption!

“I say ninety percent of Indians are idiots. You people don’t have brains in your heads… it is so easy to take you for a ride,” said Justice Markandey Katju in December 2012. No, Justice Katju, only 10 percent of Indians are idiots, the rest are smart and corrupt. Obviously, Katju doesn’t get up at...
“Till now the people didn’t have a choice. They now have a choice.” An interview with Arvind Kejriwal

“Till now the people didn’t have a choice. They now have a choice.” An interview with Arvind Kejriwal

  I sometimes wonder what I would be had I been born on 16 June 1968 in Sivani in Hissar. Would I too have gone on to complete my BTech from IIT, Kharagpur? Would I too have subsequently joined the IRS and then left it to get the Government of India get serious about the...
Who votes?

Who votes?

What you see and what you imagine can co-exist… not always in a peaceful way, but they can tolerate each other’s presence, I’m sure. So just as voters imagine some promised future, the politician sees them all as distinct groups of people to be sold different dreams. The vital question then is: Who really votes?...
The Last Date

The Last Date

It is funny. It is serious. It is a habit. The truth is that a lot gets done on the last date. The last date is like an open secret that we mortals are forever exploring and never seem to get tired of. ‘Why do you always wait for the last date and then begin...
A light surprise

A light surprise

Students of technology and students of architecture love these innovations Light always manages to surprise me… and the surprises aren’t always slight. With this in mind I went to the media interaction that Philips had planned and let me tell you I was rather impressed by the array of creative LED innovations that they have...
A foodilicious kingdom

A foodilicious kingdom

The invite said: ‘You’re invited to the Kingdom of Dreams.’ My first reaction was to run to a mirror and see if I was still my old self or had there been some magical transformation during the night. ‘Well, I’m still the same,’ I said to my wife, ‘so why would I want to go...
Tarami – cuisine from Kashmir

Tarami – cuisine from Kashmir

What will one look at when reviewing a restaurant and what it serves? Will the interiors matter? Will the food served be more important than the décor? Will the presence of a genuine Waza make all the difference? Will the willingness of the staff to explain the intricacies of Kashmiri cuisine tilt the balance? Will...
The super salesman

The super salesman

Review of Samsung Galaxy S4 Well, the first truth that mobile companies need to realise is that they need super salesmen besides their super researchers, super designers, super technicians, and super strategists. The reason is that despite all the great innovations that a new mobile device may have, the consumer is generally either too far...
Olive Qutub @ Chef Saby

Olive Qutub @ Chef Saby

Someone asked me recently, ‘Which place is great for eating and just being there.’ I replied, ‘Olive Qutub at Chef Saby.’ This fellow looked at me as if trying to see if it was Vodka in the afternoon that was the reason for my seemingly topsy-turvy reply. However, I certified my soberness when I added,...
Following the tracks of his mind. Review of ‘Shadows Chasing Light’

Following the tracks of his mind. Review of ‘Shadows Chasing Light’

Yes, Justin Emeka, even I enjoyed following the tracks of Brian Bower’s mind as I read the lines and thoughts in this thin, trim, and suave looking volume of poetry. No, thin isn’t always malnourished… just as trim isn’t always civilized and literate. This volume with its less than fifty pages has more thoughts than...
Rural India gets 52 Kg: Review of ‘Survey of Rural India’

Rural India gets 52 Kg: Review of ‘Survey of Rural India’

Are you aware that there are 6311 Community Development Blocks and 240,561 Gram Panchayats in our country? As per census report, about 72.2 per cent of the population lives in 638,588 villages… and how much do we know about this ‘majority’? Researchers, writers, students, teachers, bloggers, scholars, administrators, planners, tourists, librarians, and even the common...
Vista D90: Thrill Redefined

Vista D90: Thrill Redefined

‘Sir, the D90 is designed to give you a silky smooth drive as it zips through the city roads,’ began the executive who had come to hand me the Vista D90 for a trial drive for three days, ‘allow me to tell you something about its state-of-the-art technology, incredible fuel efficiency, and some features that...