Edu Post
The paradox of being a common man

The paradox of being a common man

The month of May this year has been over-flowing with bold strokes and brilliant strikes. Yes, one can think of everything from cricket to politics and from nabbing terrorists to tickling the media at the right time. We have all realized that even ten seconds in front of a button can spell anything from prosperity...
Terrorism is a monologue in a subverted mind

Terrorism is a monologue in a subverted mind

Defining terrorism isn’t easy. Kamalhasan calls Nathuram Gadse the first Hindu terrorist but Madhu Purnima Kishwar retorts by tweeting that some people ‘can’t tell the difference between a terrorist and an assassin. The latter is not a complimentary term. Kennedy’s killing was an assassination and never called a terrorist act. So also Gandhi’s murder by...
Poaching is a terror unleashed on wildlife

Poaching is a terror unleashed on wildlife

Poaching isn’t a word that exists only in political parlance around the world. Employees can be poached by corporates, ideas are often poached by unscrupulous writers, and of course lots of people love poached eggs. However, it is time to connect the word back to the world where it rightly belongs – wildlife and the...
Startups rewrite the rules

Startups rewrite the rules

There are defined steps for every action. Even when you’re making an omelet you follow a set routine and wouldn’t sprinkle salt-n-spices after it is all ready and plated. It is the same while dressing up for office or a party. Try wearing your vest over your shirt or your socks over your shoes. No,...
Dipping a piece of goose feather in ink

Dipping a piece of goose feather in ink

I know one doesn’t necessarily have to dip a piece of goose feather in ink these days to go from pen on paper to print on paper. But then the Quill Club Writers has this charming association with tenets of mentoring and writing and this reference simply sounded appropriate. Quill Club Writers, if you ask...
A new dimension to relevance in education

A new dimension to relevance in education

Just as the job market has a fair share of those in the wrong jobs, the adapters, and the intuitive skill enhancers and the financial world is full of spenders, savers and wealth creators, the world of education too has its own share of drop-outs, degree hunters, and learners. These categories may not reflect the...
Read the future

Read the future

Read the future   Hoard the future is out and reading it is in. Perplexed? Well, we are a nation that has essentially been a cash economy and 86% of our transactions are in cash. There is cash in the box, cash under the mattresses, cash in lockers, cash in purses and wallets, and cash...
Great tourism statistics has great ideas working for them

Great tourism statistics has great ideas working for them

Great tourism statistics has great ideas working for them Look at any of the cities or countries where tourists queue to go to and the first realization is that the government, big corporates, and the people have come together and woven mysteries that bring in people with a lot of curiosity within them. I believe...
Skill progress is all about willingness to adopt and adapt

Skill progress is all about willingness to adopt and adapt

Skill progress is all about willingness to adopt and adapt Progress is another buzzword in the corridors of power today. There are multiple reports applauding the statistics that administrators placed throughout India are loading the decision-makers in the Centre. According to newspaper columns, the Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojna “is aiming at training one crore...
Bad Novels, Good Selling

Bad Novels, Good Selling

You’ve obviously heard of engineers opting to spend a couple of years in some IIM or a lesser institute and come out brandishing his MBA degree or diploma to finally settle down to selling soaps or thrusting limp shares down the throats of gullible investors or happily being an armchair advisor or as the industry...
Yes, I can

Yes, I can

Even a burglar says this. So do politicians. Scamsters. Smugglers. Thieves. Rapists. And yet these three words are linked not with them but with an indomitable will. They represent the power of positive assertiveness. ‘Yes, I can’ is not a mantra to be chanted and yet they need a person’s mind to believe in the...
Thrillers are so much like Technology

Thrillers are so much like Technology

Imagine a massive box that is just delivered to your home. The entire family is gathered around the box and the expectations are experiencing a new high. The adrenalin rush is getting unmanageable and different pairs of eyes expect something entirely different from what the other pairs of eyes expect. This opening of the box...